ALTO: Beryllium: Release Review


Project Name

ALTO (Application Layer Traffic Optimization)


The ALTO project provides two top-level features in the Beryllium release:

  • The odl-alto-core feature: a collection of models and some basic components

    • The odl-alto-northbound: Provides the root of RFC7285-compatible services at http://localhost:8080/alto.

    • The odl-alto-resourcepool': Manages the meta data of each ALTO service, including capabilities and versions.

    • The odl-alto-standard-service-models: Includes the YANG models for the five basic ALTO services defined in RFC 7285.

    • The odl-alto-standard-northbound-route: Provides the root of the network map resources at http://localhost:8080/alto/networkmap/.

  • The odl-alto-basic feature: a collection of basic implementations

    • The odl-alto-simpleird: Provides a basic IRD implementation and its management API.

    • The odl-alto-manual-maps: Makes administrators create and delete maps manually.

    • The odl-alto-hosttracker: Records and stores the network topology with hosts information automatically.

    • The odl-alto-endpointcost: Provides a basic ALTO ECS implementation based on odl-alto-hosttracker.

Non-Code Aspects (user docs, examples, tutorials, articles)

ASCII doc commits:

Architectural Issues

Security Considerations

Currently ALTO has no security measures.

Quality Assurance (test coverage, etc)

End-of-life (API/Features EOLed in Release)

The features in the Lithium release have been deprecated.

Bugzilla (summary of bug situation)

Standards (summary of standard compliance)

RFC 7285

Schedule (initial schedule and changes over the release cycle)

The next items are scheduled in the next release:

  • Improve the code quality

  • Add some security measures

  • Include auto-generated maps