Welcome to COE
COE(Container Orchestration Engine) project aims at developing a framework for integrating Container Orchestration Engine (like Kuberenetes) and OpenDaylight.. In the the first phase, COE would provide following support --
Deployment type 1 - Container only (Baremetal based)
Development of Kubernetes CNI Plugin for Opendaylight - Done
Development of CNI Northbound for bare metal deployment - Done
Integration of COE and Netvirt
Pod 2 Pod - L2 and L3 support - Done
Service Support - In progress
NetConf Support - In progress
Integration with NetworkServiceMesh - TBD
Deployment type 2 - VM and Container (mixed workload)
Kuryr integration - Done
Usecase testing of VM and container networking - Done
Multihost networking support - Done
Project Information
Getting started for users
COE Intro Slide - ODL Summit 2016
Information for developers
Committers typically do not review changes with build failures; it is the Gerrit Owner's responsibility to get them to build. If you're facing build issues you don't know how to solve, email the coe-dev list asking for help (don't just wait and expect committers to notice your proposed change and help you fix its build).
Feel free to email the coe-dev list after 1 week of no movement on a (green ticked build passing) Gerrit.
Information for committers
We do not "self merge" our own changes, but add other committers as reviewers. The first reviewing committer will +1, the second reviewing committer will +2. Any other committers can merge proposed changes with at least x2 +1 from contributors.
The one exception to the rule is that we allow self merging critical changes required to unblock broken builds.
If you've been added as a Reviewer to a change you don't feel comfortable reviewing, or don't anticipate to have the time to review within say 1 week, then you may want to remove yourself from the review, ideally with a short comment, to signal that to the owner, so that he can find others willing to review (or make changes to significantly simplify or further extensively document and re-add), instead of "doing nothing" and letting reviews "linger" for too long with no action.
We aim to review all pending Gerrits which have passed Verify and have no merge conflicts (and only those) in the weekly meeting. We ignore pending Gerrits which are not Verify.
List of all subpages and other information
Project Facts
Project Creation Date: January 05, 2017
Lifecycle State: Incubation
Type: App
Primary Contact: Prem Sankar G <>
Project Lead: Prem Sankar G <>
Prem Sankar G - Gerrit-ID gpremsankar
Faseela K - Gerrit-ID faseela.k
Andre Fredette -