FaaS: Nitrogen: Release Notes

FaaS: Nitrogen: Release Notes


Major Features

Via Rest API, FaaS can render the following logical objects into physical network over a physical network with multiple fabrics.

  • allow logical switches to be created across multiple fabrics.

  • allow logical router mapped to distributed routing/VRF on multiple fabrics.

  • Floating IP supported for End points to allow End Points to have public IP addresses.

  • ACL over logical ports

  • A GBP FaaS Render to render GBP model into FaaS logical network model.

  • Two layers REST API for users to program their network.

    • logical network layer to program the abstracted topology composed of fabrics.

    • Fabric Service API layer to program the fabric

All features above are experimental for this release.

Target Environment

For Execution

  • Requires Java 7 or Java 8 compliant runtime environment.

  • Follow the OpenDaylight Boron installation and user guide documentation to install OpenDaylight Boron including FaaS features, SFC and GBP FaaS Render features.

For Development

  • Requires Java 8 compliant runtime environment, GIT, Maven version >= 3.2.3

  • Follow the OpenDaylight Boron installation and user guide documentation to install OpenDaylight Boron including FaaS features.

  • Also FaaS uses SFC to set up the SFC path, so SFC features are required too. follow SFC developer guide for more details

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. Only support OVS device and VXLAN Fabric for now

  2. For NAT, only static IP mapping supported for now

Changes Since Previous Releases

not much changes , it is maintenance release.

  • MIgration from karaf 3 to Karaf 4 distribution.

Bugs Fixed in this Release

Migration from Previous Releases

N/A - to be solved in future release.

Compatibility with Previous Releases

It is compatible with previous release.

Deprecated, End of Lifed, and/or Retired Features/APIs

No deprecated APIs.