FaaS: Beryllium: Release Notes


Major Features

Beryllium is the first release for FaaS as part of ODL, the main features in this release include two layer service abstraction definition

  • logical Network Services

  • Fabric Services

and there implementations based on the following module

  • OVS based VXLAN fabric for fabric service implementation

  • Fabric Manager and ULNMapper for fabirc management, SFC integration and most importantly logical network service rendering

  • FaaS Based GBP render - an application based on FaaS Services to render GBP model into logical network model.

Target Environment

For Execution

  • Requires Java 7 or Java 8 compliant runtime environment.

  • Follow the OpenDaylight Beryllium installation and user guide documentation to install OpenDaylight Beryllium including FaaS features, SFC and GBP features.

For Development

  • Requires Java 8 compliant runtime environment, GIT, Maven version >= 3.2.3

  • Follow the OpenDaylight Beryllium installation and user guide documentation to install OpenDaylight Beryllium including FaaS features.

  • Also FaaS uses SFC to set up the SFC path, so SFC features are required too. follow SFC developer guide for more details

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. Only support OVS and VXLAN for now

  2. bug4871 logical Router/Switch name wrong in Fabric

  3. bug5272 ULN security rules need to include src and dest IP address when the rules are rendered from GBP model

Changes Since Previous Releases

Beryllium is the first release for FaaS project. The following items are not applicable to FaaS project.

Bugs Fixed in this Release


Migration from Previous Releases


Compatibility with Previous Releases


Deprecated, End of Lifed, and/or Retired Features/APIs