To facilitate multi fabric programming, the following new APIs are added for Boron release on top of APIs of Beryllium.
Layer 3 API
- LR.createLogicalPort(type=ExternalGateway,ip=xxx,gw=xxx,gwmac=xxx) - create a logical port on a logical router. it can be configured with external gateway function
- LR.addStaticRoute(dest=default, next_hop=LP1) - default static route
- LR.addStaticRoute(dest=xxx, interface=xxx) - general purpose static routing table manipulation
- LR.addStaticNatMapping(srcIp, destIP); - floating IP funciton support
Layer 2 API
- LSW.createLogicalPort(type=AccessPort)
common API
- LP.bindingInterface(port_location) - bind logical port LP to a phyiscal port on a fabric
- Fabric.allocGlobalTag - allocated a global tag for l2 segment
Release Deliverables
Name | Description |
Public IP support | able to configure Public IP for certain end points |
Multi-fabric support in FabricManager module | able to map logical network into multi-fabric based network |
logical network model re-factoring | refactoring logical network northbound API |
fabric resource/capability management enhancement | manage VNI,ports,VLAN resource more efficently |
certain physical switches support | be able to have physical devices as part of fabric (TBD) |
new Fabric | VLAN fabric |
(Conforming to Boron dates)
Release Milestones
Milestone | Offset 2 Date | Deliverables |
M1 | 3/24/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
FaaS Release Plan | Done | Candidate Release Plan |
M2 | 5/5/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Release Plan |
| Final Release Plan | Project Checklist |
| Project checklist verification | OpendayLigt CI usage |
| Project CI usage for system test | System Test tool requirements |
| System Test tool requirements verification |
M3 | 6/2/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Feature Freeze |
| No externally consumable APIs | Documentation |
| Integration & System test |
M4 | 6/30/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
API Freeze |
| No external APIs. | Documentation Started |
| Integration & System Test |
M5 | 8/4/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Code Freeze |
RC0 | 8/11/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Release Candidate 0 |
RC1 | 8/18/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Release Candidate 1 |
RC2 | 8/25/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Release Candidate 2 |
RC3 | 9/1/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Release Candidate 3 |
Formal Release | 9/8/2016 | Name | Status | Description |
Formal Boron Feature Release |
Externally Consumable APIs
Expected Dependencies on Other Projects
- YANG Tools
- OpenflowPlugin
- Odlparent
- Controller
- Netconf
Expected Incompatibilities with Other Projects
Compatibility with Previous Releases
Themes and Priorities
Requests from Other Projects