OCP Plugin: Carbon: Release Plan



Release Deliverables

Bugfixing & testingBugfixing & testing throughout the release
Clean Up Existing CodeClean up existing code and make available to project team members
OCP Elementary FunctionsHandling of OCP request/response messages for the following OCP elementary functions:
  1. Device Management: Health Check, Set Time, RE Reset
  2. Config Management: Object Parameter Reporting, Object Parameter Modification
  3. Object Lifecycle: Object Creation, Object Deletion
  4. Object State Management: Object State Reporting, Object State Modification
  5. Fault Management: Fault Reporting
Spontaneous IndicationHandling of OCP indication messages (terminated at Southbound without further propagation)
RE Resource ModelHosted in the MD-SAL Data Store (accessible via RESTCONF)
MD-SAL NotificationsPublishes the device-connected, device-disconnected and alignment-completed notifications
Supported VersionSupport for OCP v4.1.1
Unit TestsUnit test to achieve 80% line coverage and 60% branch coverage
Karaf FeaturesOCP Plugin and OCP Protocol Library installable as karaf features
DocumentationAll required documentation

Release Milestones

MilestoneOffset 1 DateDeliverables
Project Lead electedDoneProject Lead election
Test Contact specifiedDoneTest Contact announce
Candidate Release PlanDoneCandidate Release Plan
Release PlanDoneFinal Release Plan
Project setupDoneProject Checklist completed
OpenDaylight CIDoneOpenDaylight CI infrastructure usage for system test
Project acknowledgedDoneProject acknowledged from all projects that it depends on
Functionality FreezeDoneFinal list of externally consumable APIs defined and documented
Karaf Features definedDoneKaraf Features defined
Documentation StartedDoneIdentified the kinds of documentation to be provided, created AsciiDoc files for them with outlines, and committed those files in an appropriate location
Integration & System TestDoneSimple system test on a karaf distribution with the project's recommended features installed
API FreezeDoneAll external consumable
Draft documentationDoneGoal of draft documentation done
Maven central requirementsDoneMeet the requirements to be included in maven central
Feature Test ContinuesDoneSW configuration and resources required for system test installed
Code FreezeDoneCode complete, only bug fixes going forward
Stability branchDoneStability branch, i.e., stable/boron, must be cut and local project versions bumped on master to avoid overwriting boron SNAPSHOTS
String FreezeDoneAll externally visible strings frozen to allow for translation & documentation
Documentation CompleteDoneOnly editing and and enhancing should take place after this point
Feature Test CompleteDoneFeature Test Complete
Release Candidate 0Done
Release Candidate 1Done
Release Candidate 2Done
Release Review
Release Review Description
Release Candidate 2

Formal Release5/25/2017
Formal Boron Release

OCP Plugin Release
OCP Plugin Carbon officially released

Externally Consumable APIs

APIAPI StatusShort descriptionContractSupporting Code
health-checkStableThe Health Check procedure allows the application to verify that the OCP layer is functioning correctly at the RE.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-device-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
set-timeStableThe Set Time procedure allows the application to set/update the absolute time reference that shall be used by the RE.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-device-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
re-resetStableThe RE Reset procedure allows the application to reset a specific RE.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-device-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
get-paramStableThe Object Parameter Reporting procedure allows the application to retrieve the following information:
  1. the defined object types and instances within the Resource Model of the RE
  2. the values of the parameters of the objects
applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-config-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
modify-paramStableThe Object Parameter Modification procedure allows the application to configure the values of the parameters of the objects identified by the Resource Model.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-config-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
create-objStableThe Object Creation procedure allows the application to create and initialize a new instance of the given object type on the RE.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-object-lifecycle.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
delete-objStableThe Object Deletion procedure allows the application to delete a given object instance and recursively its entire child objects on the RE.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-object-lifecycle.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
get-stateStableThe Object State Reporting procedure allows the application to acquire the current state (for the requested state type) of one or more objects of the RE resource model, and additionally configure event-triggered reporting of the detected state changes for all state types of the indicated objects.

applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-object-state-mgmt.yang (SB)

modify-stateStableThe Object State Modification procedure allows the application to trigger a change in the state of an object of the RE Resource Model.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-object-state-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all
get-faultStableThe Fault Reporting procedure allows the application to acquire information about all current active faults associated with a primary object, as well as configure the RE to report when the fault status changes for any of faults associated with the indicated primary object.applications/ocp-service/src/main/yang/ocp-service.yang (NB), ocpplugin/model/model-ocp-service/src/main/yang/sal-fault-mgmt.yang (SB)odl-ocpplugin-all

Expected Dependencies on Other Projects

  • ODL Parent
  • MD-SAL
  • YANG Tools
  • Controller

Expected Incompatibilities with Other Projects


Compatibility with Previous Releases


Themes and Priorities


Requests from Other Projects


Test Tool Requirements

  • Testing is done in form of Java unit tests and integration tests, no requirements on infrastructure except Maven. Reporting is provided by Jenkins.

