AAA: Boron: Release Review
AAA: Boron: Release Review
- 1 About this Document
- 2 AAA
- 3 Features
- 4 Non-Code Aspects (user docs, examples, tutorials, articles)
- 5 Architectural Issues
- 6 Security Considerations
- 7 Quality Assurance (test coverage, etc)
- 8 End-of-life (API/Features EOLed in Release)
- 9 Bugzilla (summary of bug situation)
- 10 Standards (summary of standard compliance)
- 11 Schedule (initial schedule and changes over the release cycle)
About this Document
For each top level feature, identify the name, url, description, etc. User facing features are used directly by end users.
Feature Name: odl-aaa-shiro
Feature URL: https://github.com/opendaylight/aaa/blob/master/features/shiro/src/main/features/features.xml
Feature Description: Basic authentication and RBAC through Shiro.
Top Level: Yes
User Facing: Yes
Experimental: Yes
CSIT Test: https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/aaa/job/aaa-csit-1node-authn-only-boron/
Feature Name: odl-aaa-authz