
Welcome to Archetypes


This project hosts OpenDaylight example project templates, initially in the form of Maven archetypes.

The initial version of this Maven archetype originally existed in the controller project, but technical discussions on the Kernel projects call have determined that in order to automatically self test this archetype, it can no longer live in the controller project, because the archetype also depends e.g. on the netconf project (and possibly others in the future), which the build of the controller project cannot depend on in autorelease (see


Further to the Description given above, the Archetypes project is in principle open to contributions from any ODL project for additional archetypes from them specific to their project. The Archetypes project commiters themselves will obviously not be working on such additional archetypes themselves, or even request such contributions (other projects "push", the Archetypes project does not "pull"). But for each such contribution, we'll have to ask the question why such additional archetypes cannot instead simply be hosted within the respective project - which would be preferable. For the controller project there is a technical reason, noted above.

All archetypes in this project must be "self testing" (like the one that will be moved from controller will be). In case that such additional archetypes from other projects which cannot be hosted in such projects break the self testing build of the Archetypes project due to changes in their respective upstream projects, then the Archetypes committers will comment out the respective additional archetypes, and let the contributors of those projects un-comment them.

This Archetypes project may publish a new archetypes parent POM to make it easier for other projects to create self testing archetypes in their projects.

Project Facts

Project Creation Date:  Feb 27, 2018
Lifecycle State: Mature
Type: Kernel
Primary Contact: Michael Vorburger <>
Documentation Contact: Vacant
Project Lead:  Michael Vorburger <>


  • Michael Vorburger <>

  • Tom Pantelis <>

  • Stephen Kitt (skitt)

  • Sam Hague (shague)


  • None, yet

IRC: #opendaylight
Mailing List:
    Archives: mailing list archives
Meetings: See Community Meetings 
Repository: git clone
Jenkins: jenkins silo
Gerrit Patches: code patches/reviews

Resources Committed (developers committed to working)

See below for who is, or will be working on this effort.

Initial Committers

Who would be the initial committers to the project?

  • Michael Vorburger (vorburger)

  • Tom Pantelis (tpantelis)

  • Stephen Kitt (skitt)

  • Sam Hague (shague)

Vendor Neutral

This proposal is coming from an existing open source codebase in the ODL controller project.

Meets Board Policy (including IPR)

Sure, as it's just a move of existing code from the controller project to a new git repo for technical reasons.


Getting Started for Users

Getting Started for Developers


Release Planning

Release Notes