AAA: Boron: Release Notes

AAA: Boron: Release Notes


Major Features

  • odl-aaa-shiro (encapsulates the old odl-aaa-authn and has since Beryllium)

  • odl-aaa-authz

  • odl-aaa-cli

  • odl-aaa-cert

Target Environment

  • Any Java-capable environment.

For Execution

  • Python 2.7+ is needed to use the idmtool utility script for manipulating IDM data. Use of the idmtool script is not necessary for normal operation since there are REST endpoints for manipulating data. The idmtool script is a more convenient way of managing IDM data from the CLI.

For Development

  • Python 2.7+ and sqlite3

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Bug 5838: token authentication fails intermittently. This has been an issue since inception, and is easily circumvented by asking for a new token.

  • Testing methodology

    • The base feature odl-aaa-shiro, which wraps odl-aaa-authn, is stable and has stood its ground for the Beryllium release.

    • odl-aaa-cli and odl-aaa-cert are newly added features with unit tests only.

    • odl-aaa-authz is still only experimental.

Changes Since Previous Releases

  • Mainly bug fixes.

  • New Functionality

    • Included ability to federate with Active Directory through the ODLActiveDirectoryRealm, a simple wrapper around Shiro's