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SXP project is an effort to enhance Opendaylight platform with IP-SGT bindings that can be learned from connected SXP-aware network nodes. Current implementation supports SXP protocol version 4 according to the Smith, Kandula - SXP IETF I-D. All protocol legacy versions 1-3 are supported as well. Additionally, version 4 adds bidirectional connection type as an extension of a unidirectional one.

The documentation can be found on Architecture page.

Project Proposal

Git Patches and Reviews | Git Branches | Bugzilla | Jenkins | Sonar | Nexus [1.0 Helium/1.1 Lithium]


Architecture overview

Project Facts

Project Creation Date: September 12th, 2014
Lifecycle State: Incubation
Type: Protocol
Primary Contact: <none>
Project Lead:  <none>
Committers:  <none active committers>
Mailing List:
    Archives: mailing list archives
Meetings: See Community Meetings 
Repository: git clone
Jenkins: jenkins silo
Gerrit Patches: code patches/reviews


Getting Started for Users

Getting Started for Developers


Release Planning

Release Notes