Cluster Metrics Proposal
System Metrics (was Cluster Metrics)
Repo Name
System Metrics is an application for monitoring Cluster behavior. Displays various metrics and alerts user when values crosses defined thresholds.
System Metrics consists of two parts:
back-end (now called stats-reflector, but may change) is retrieving metrics data from various sources and publishes APIs for second part:
GUI DLUX based UI is displaying metrics in various ways (gauge, line chart, table...)
Metrics List
Right now we are gathering and displaying these metrics:
CPU Usage (for controller and machine)
Heap memoty usage
NonHeap Memory usage
Current Loaded Classes
Total Loaded Classes
Live Daemon Thread Count
Live Thread Count
Peak Thread Count
Shard statistics from Jolokia plugin
Raft State (Leader or Follower)
Last Index
Commit Index
Pending TX Commit Queue Size
In Memory Journal Log Size
Replicated To All Index
Last Applied
GUI Screenshots
Dashboard page with list of cluster members, list of shards and gauges displaying actual values of various metrics.
Statistics pages displaying two types of charts with controller and shard metrics.
Shard manager page displaying actual shard information with alerts.
Settings side panel.
getting various statistics from cluster - machine, controllers and shards
displaying those data in configurable UI
showing alerts if something goes wrong
Resources Committed (developers committed to working)
Daniel Malachovsky <>
Lubomir Balogh <>
Michal Kovacik <>
Stanislav Jamrich <>
Tyler Levine <>
Initial Committers
Daniel Malachovsky <>
Stanislav Jamrich <>
Tyler Levine <>
Vendor Neutral
This code base contains only the standard ODL copyright notice as it was started with the idea of eventually moving it to open source.