ODL Guice Project
ODL Guice Project
Repo Name
Move the Guice dependencies from infra-utils into a separate project to enable consumption in the rest of ODL.
What is the main goal?
Repository to hold all artifacts required to support Google Guice as a DI - https://github.com/google/guice
Add mycilla extension dependencies to this project.
ODL Micro Project - ODL Micro Project will depend on this project
This is required to be a managed project.
The following items will need to be delivered as a minimum by this project.
Move inject-guice to this project - https://github.com/opendaylight/infrautils/tree/master/inject/inject-guice
Add the Mycilla dependencies for Guice into this project - https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/c/infrautils/+/86037
There are some other usages of Guice in caches, tests that will still not be removed
Open questions
Future Work
Resources Committed (developers committed to working)
Tejas Nevrekar - tejas.nevrekar@gmail.com
Initial Committers
Tejas Nevrekar - tejas.nevrekar@gmail.com
Vendor Neutral
License is compatible (Eclipse Public License - v 1.0)