2020-12-03 TSC Minutes

2020-12-03 TSC Minutes


Dec 3, 2020 , 9 am Pacific

TSC Meeting Zoom || TSC APAC Zoom || Meeting Recordings

TSC meetings are held weekly for one hour on Thursdays.  Meeting time alternates each week.  Standard: 9am Pacific and APAC: 10pm Pacific.

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below

X = Present | P = Proxy  (Indicate below table with @name for @name


@Luis Gomez Palacios


@Venkatrangan Govindarajan


@Guillaume Lambert


@Robert Varga


@Anil Shashikumar Belur

Community Elected Roles:

@Daniel De La Rosa (Release Manager)


Staff: @Casey Cain

Others: @Manoj Chokka @Jeff Hartley@Abhijit K@JN Naphade @Filip Čúzy (Deactivated)


  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Agenda Bashing, Roll Call, Action Items (all, 9:00-9:05 am)

  • Releases

    • Silicon

    • Magnesium SR3

  • TSC Grievance Tracking

  • General Topics

    • TSC Election Results

    • TSC Chair, LFN TAC Representative, and SPC Representative Election

    • Program Committee volunteers for LFN Virtual Developer & Testing Forum

    • TSC Meeting time

  • Any Other Topics



  • Magnesium SR3... BGP issues and CSIT inf issues are still to be resolved so @Anil Shashikumar Belur @Robert Vargaand @Luis Gomez Palacioswill continue to work on that. @Daniel De La Rosawill pick an RC after those issues are solved

  • Silicon... no changes on schedule and still on track

  • Aluminum SR2... Schedule for Dec 30, 2020 so I'll adjust the schedule to work on it in the first two weeks of 2021

TSC Election Results

  • Welcome to the new TSC - and welcome to the newest TSC member @Guillaume Lambert

  • Thanks for the contribution for outgoing TSC members.

TSC Chair, LFN TAC Representative & LFN SPC Representative Election

  • TSC Chair Election self-nomination page 

  • Self-nomination period for the TSC Chair is Dec 3, 2020 to Dec 17, 2020 

  • By default (no nominations for LFN TAC Rep or LFN SPC Rep), the new TSC chair becomes the LFN TAC Rep and the LFN SPC Rep.

  • @Abhijit K will continue performing duties as the TSC Chair/LFN TAC Rep/LFN SPC Rep till the new TSC Chair is elected. 

Program Committee volunteers for LFN Virtual Developer & Testing Forum

  • Need a volunteer for the Program Committee.

    • @Casey Cain will send an email about volunteer for Program Committee.

TSC Meeting Time

  • What should be a new time?

  • Two meeting times? APAC & Regular? Or a single meeting time convenient to all the new TSC members and the overall interested ODL community?

  • @Robert Varga to send email soliciting feedback for the meeting time. 

LFN TAC Meeting Minutes

Action Items

@Casey Cain to set the archive wiki to read only.
@Casey Cain to send the roles and responsibilities of the SPC and TAC rep along with the Chair self-nomination information. Dec 3, 2020 
@Casey Cain to check for possibility of multiple timezone support from LFN IT similar to earlier method when @Thanh Ha and @Anil Shashikumar Belur were supporting different timezones.

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