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| The First meeting happened on 01 June, 2023. After the basic introduction, the initial task that was assigned to me was to audit the current WordPress website.
| In Audit, I had to look for the outdated content, which included outdated links and wrong page descriptions. And especially checking the use case section of the website.
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| Meeting happened on 09 Jun, 2023. I presented the wiki page and we decided to only keep Verizon, PANTHEON. Tech and one more in the use case section. I asked to work on the initial designs for the website and present them in the next TSC meeting.
| The new design's for the website required observing the proposed GitHub website presented by the marketing team and checking older WordPress website and creating relevant designs based on them, The one special requirement was adding key contacts and relevant links for the Getting Started page in the website.
| Meeting happened on 15 Jun, 2023. The feedback from the team members was to remove unnecessary images from the pages that required only technical description, but keeping the same font and size. The card section for the Getting started page could have been better and the logo's and design for the use case section which was about stories and solutions needs to changed.
| I decided to work on the initial designs again. to make it more dynamic and to work on the feedback provided by the other team members till the next 1:1 meeting. One question was asked about whether the design's will have dark mode. Definitely its an extended goal to have a dark mode on the website but I asked the team members to finish creating the website design's first for the light mode, and get it approved.
| Worked on making the website design's more dynamic with hover effects, slider and other animations. The Getting Started page was fixed with relevant designs, we will be using cards here.
| Meeting happened on 20 June, 2023 with Mr. Pano from Marketing Department. The Color Palettes combination and spacing for each section needs to be fixed. There will be a separate section for user stories and solutions in header. Platform Overview page content will be shorten to bring them into design's, not just present them like a documentation.
| The teal green color is not working, and there is yellow, orange color. It should be fixed to something that works better. In initial design's, I kept user stories and solutions in use case section. Now use case section will be changed to user stories. and solution section will be separated.
| User stories section now has been separated, teal color changed but right I am experimenting with different colors and design to present in our TSC Meeting. Working on bringing design's for the Solution section.
| Wasn't able to attend the team meet. But was able to get feedback from my mentor Mr. Casey. Feedback was the spacing needs to be removed specially for the landing page and get started page. Banners can be added more. The banner from the governance page can be shifted to Getting Started page. The design's for the drop down pages looks good, but simple.
| Waiting for feedback for the team, till then working on working on the changes suggested by the mentor. Color palette was suggested. Which consist of #BF360C, #FF8A50, #F5F5F5, #212121, #9E9E9E.
| Created pages for the drop down Experimented with the color palette suggested, but it is not working for the light mode. Specially the orange color. [ #BF360C ] Need content for Solution section. Fixed issues in design's and created prototype according to the new pages.
| Meeting happened on 7 July, 2023 with the team. Team feedback was good. One request was made for changing the home page icon [OpenDaylight Icon] from the User Stories Section. No issue for the design's for the drop down pages. They look good as per the team.
| The OpenDaylight Icon look's odd. But other things are perfect and only one page is left that need's to be made is the Solution's page. Meeting with Mr.Pano is scheduled for the 18 July, to get content for the Solution's page.
| Started working on the dark mode, but it needs time because some components needs to be made from the start for dark mode. The color palette suggested by Mr. Casey looks perfect for the dark mode. Toggle button added to shift from light to dark mode.
| Meeting happened on 13 July, 2023 with the team. No feedback or suggestions were made related to design's.
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| Meeting happened with Mr. Pano on 18 July, 2023. The drop down should be shifted to Solutions section. And logos needs to be fixed for dark mode. About page should have some image and content in the form of cards. Finally happy to receive feedback from the Netconf team this week.
| The drop down menu was mistakenly created for the User Stories section, but actually it was for the Solutions section. The User Stories will now take you to LFN Verizon story page. Right now we don't have 2-3 user stories this is why we are redirecting to this page. But once we other user stories we will create a separate page. Right now I am waiting to get some images from the marketing team for the About page. The suggestions made by Netconf team were related to logo fixes, content update, proper visibility of components for both light and dark mode.
| All the suggestions made by the Netconf team has been fixed. Only testimonial's part is left that we need from Verizon and PANTHEON.tech. Drop down issue fixed. Waiting for image for the About page or otherwise I will update them later in the design's because ODL team doesn't have any kind of problem with it.
| Meeting happened on 27 July, 2023 with the team. We have decided to use React, GitHub, and google analytics in the website. CSS framework is not decided yet, it will be decided next week after the new TSC team elections results come out. But the CSS framework will be between Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
| React is open source and easy to use for a beginners, plus it is a industry standard frontend framework. The earlier plan was to use Netlify for deployment until the final deployment, but with team suggestions we have changed it to GitHub pages as it is much secure and GitHub workflows makes it easier to test the builds while deployment. The Linux foundation uses Google Analytics to track multiple aspects of the websites.
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| Meeting happened on 02 August, 2023 with Mr.Pano. The meeting revolved around the images I had requested from the creative services team for the upcoming website. Presently, Ms. Melissa Schmidt and Ms. Amanda Cohen, members of the creative services team, have been granted access to Figma design. This allows them to test and incorporate images. Additionally, I anticipate that their feedback will hold significant value for the entire ODL community.
| A meeting is likely to take place either this week or the next with Ms. Melissa Schmidt to discuss and receive feedback on the website design. Consequently, coding will be put on hold for an additional 1-2 weeks.
| Always include maketing and graphic teams in frontend projects. Their experience can really benefit you a lot. Always ask if they can share their past projects or maybe some resources to learn, because you really get to know how projects for bigger organizations are made while keeping brand guidelines in mind.
| Meeting happened on 10 August, 2023 with Ms. Melissa Schmidt. New images has been added to platform overview page and other suggestions were made related to font sizes, UI-Kit and putting all the content in the grid.
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| Meeting with Ms. Melissa got cancelled which was scheduled for 16 August, 2023. While the ODL team made some suggestions through email related to the content that needs to be fixed.
| Meeting with Ms. Melissa will happen on 23 August, 2023. Internally I have started coding after discussing this with my mentor Mr. Casey. Because we are currently in a hold position for few weeks. So it will be best to create some react components that will save us time.
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| Meeting happened on 23 August with Mr. Pano and Ms. Melissa on 23 August 2023. Fonts and other minor issues has been fixed. Suggestions were made related to fixing links color in design's for light mode.
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04 September - 10 September | TSC Meeting happened on 08 September 2023. As discussed in the meeting, Tailwind CSS is finalized as our CSS framework.
| OpenDaylight new website tech stack look likes this now:- | Integrated Tailwind CSS in landing and platform overview page. Plus coding of additional components of the solution drop down menu has been started. The header issue is fixed.
11 September - 17 September | | Everything is proceeding smoothly as we've transitioned to using Tailwind. Consequently, the amount of initial coding required for CSS has been significantly reduced. Additionally, the brand guidelines PDF provides clear font specifications and outlines various logo-related rules that must be adhered to.
| Cloud & NFV, Network Resource and Automated Delivery pages has been coded. The solution section is completed as well.
18 September - 24 September | | The team members aimed to upload the code onto the OpenDaylight Gerrit platform, as the community would ultimately be responsible for managing the website. The hosting location for the website will be determined by Mr. Casey and Mr. Anil.
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25 September - 01 October | Meeting happened with Mr. Pano on 27 September 2023. A minor modification is needed on the website, which is the email form located on the homepage.
| I have received the brand guidelines PDF, but the Gotham font appears unappealing when used on the website. The email form should closely resemble the one used on the LFN website. Currently, our best option is to ensure it aligns with the design aesthetics of the ODL website.
| The coding for all pages has been successfully completed. The MVP is prepared and functional for both desktop and laptop views. Work on the mobile view and new email form design is currently underway.
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