Unimgr: Beryllium: Release Plan



This is the OpenDaylight Beryllium release plan for the User Network Interface (UNI) Manager plugin project. The goals for this project are to introduce a plug in to expose capabilities of OpenDaylight to northbound APIs and applications enabling applications to configure and manage physical and virtual network elements for delivery of business services. The initial focus is Carrier Ethernet services as defined by Metro Ethernet Forum.


Project Manager: Kevin Luehrs k.luehrs-contractor@cablelabs.com

Technical Project Leads:

  Mufaddal Makati      m.makati@cablelabs.com
  Alexis de Talhouët   adetalhouet@inocybe.com

Release Deliverables

UnimgrUser Network Interface Manager plug-inCreate initial UNI Manager feature plug-in


Develop initial unit test coverage

Develop initial automated integration testing

Release Milestones

Offset: 2

MilestoneOffset 2 DateDeliverables
IntentIntent to Participate
Release PlanCandidate Release Plan
Release PlanFinal Release Plan
ChecklistProject Checklist
Feature FreezeBeryllium Features Frozen
Karaf Feature FreezeAll Karaf features identified
DocumentationProject documentation for Beryllium release has started
API FreezeUNI Manager plug-in APIs for Beryllium Frozen
DocumentationDrafts of all project documents available for review
Code FreezeUNI Manager plug-in for Beryllium Frozen
System Test SetupAll components required for system test execution are installed in CI
RC0UNI Manager plug-in Beryllium Release Candidate 0
RC1UNI Manager plug-in Beryllium Release Candidate 1
RC2UNI Manager plug-in Beryllium Release Candidate 2
RC3UNI Manager plug-in Beryllium Release Candidate 3
Release ReviewTSC meeting for Release Review - Approval by TC
Formal Beryllium Release2/4/2016
Formal ReleaseUNI Manager plug-in Beryllium Formal Release
Service Release 13/17/2016

First Service Release for Beryllium. See Service Release section. NOTE: This date is provisional, but will not move earlier. Please note, event based Updates (security/critical bugs) are distinct and may occur at any point.

Service Release 23/17/2016

Second Service Release for Beryllium. See Service Release section. NOTE: This date is provisional, but will not move earlier. Please note, event based Updates (security/critical bugs) are distinct and may occur at any point.

Externally Consumable APIs

  • Externally consumable APIs
  • Each PROVISIONAL or TENTATIVE API must be listed as project deliverable
    • Must be declared as "IN" or "OUT" at the M3 Milestone
Short NameDescriptionType (at M2)Type (at M3)Type (release)ContractSupporting Code
PUT: Create UNICreate one User Network InterfaceStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8080/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/822f7eec-2b35-11e5-b345-feff819cdc9f/
GET: Get UNI ListRetrieve the list of UNIsStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/
GET: Get UNI by UUIDRetrieve attributes for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}
DELETE: Delete UNIDelete a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}
GET: Get UNI SpeedRetrieve configured throughput for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}/speed/
PUT: Set UNI SpeedConfigure throughput rate for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}/speed/
GET: Get SO EVCRetrieve attributes for a single-operator Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC)StableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:single-operator-evc/
DELETE: Delete EVCDelete an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}
PUT: Config EVC EBWConfigure egress bandwidth for an EVCStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
GET: Get EVC EBWRetrieve the egress bandwidth attribute for an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
DELETE: Delete EVC EBWDelete the egress bandwidth attribute for an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
PUT: Set EVC IBWConfigure the ingress bandwidth for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
GET: Get EVC IBWRetrieve the ingress bandwidth attribute for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
DELETE: Delete EVC IBWDelete the ingress bandwidth for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
GET: Get Op UNIsRetrieve the list of UNIs from the operational data storeStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/

Expected Dependencies on Other Projects

The UNI Manager plug-in project has dependencies on the following OpenDaylight projects:

odlparent, yangtools, controller

Providing ProjectDeliverable NameNeeded ByAcknowledged?Description
N/ANoneN/AN/ANo new or modified project dependencies for (Be) release

Expected Incompatibilities with Other Projects


Compatibility with Previous Releases


Removed APIs and/or Functionality


Deprecated APIs and/or Functionality


Changed APIs and/or Functionality


Themes and Priorities

Requests from Other Projects


Test Tools Requirements

  • The UNI Manager Plug-in project will run System Test (ST) inside OpenDaylight cloud
  • The UNI Manager Plug-in project will run TBD System Test


Link back to UNI Manager Plug-in project main page.

Externally Consumable APIs

  • Externally consumable APIs
  • Each PROVISIONAL or TENTATIVE API must be listed as project deliverable
    • Must be declared as "IN" or "OUT" at the M3 Milestone
Short NameDescriptionType (at M2)Type (at M3)Type (release)ContractSupporting Code
PUT: Create UNICreate one User Network InterfaceStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8080/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/822f7eec-2b35-11e5-b345-feff819cdc9f/
GET: Get UNI ListRetrieve the list of UNIsStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/
GET: Get UNI by UUIDRetrieve attributes for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}
DELETE: Delete UNIDelete a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}
GET: Get UNI SpeedRetrieve configured throughput for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}/speed/
PUT: Set UNI SpeedConfigure throughput rate for a specific UNI by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/uni/{UUID}/speed/
GET: Get SO EVCRetrieve attributes for a single-operator Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC)StableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:single-operator-evc/
DELETE: Delete EVCDelete an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}
PUT: Config EVC EBWConfigure egress bandwidth for an EVCStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
GET: Get EVC EBWRetrieve the egress bandwidth attribute for an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
DELETE: Delete EVC EBWDelete the egress bandwidth attribute for an EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/egress-bw/
PUT: Set EVC IBWConfigure the ingress bandwidth for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
GET: Get EVC IBWRetrieve the ingress bandwidth attribute for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
DELETE: Delete EVC IBWDelete the ingress bandwidth for a particular EVC by its UUIDStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/config/cl-vcpe-mef:evcs/evc/{UUID}/ingress-bw/
GET: Get Op UNIsRetrieve the list of UNIs from the operational data storeStableStableStablehttp://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cl-vcpe-mef:unis/

Expected Dependencies on Other Projects

The UNI Manager plug-in project has dependencies on the following OpenDaylight projects:

odlparent, yangtools, controller

Providing ProjectDeliverable NameNeeded ByAcknowledged?Description
N/ANoneN/AN/ANo new or modified project dependencies for (Be) release

Expected Incompatibilities with Other Projects


Compatibility with Previous Releases


Removed APIs and/or Functionality


Deprecated APIs and/or Functionality


Changed APIs and/or Functionality


Themes and Priorities

Requests from Other Projects


Test Tools Requirements

  • The UNI Manager Plug-in project will run System Test (ST) inside OpenDaylight cloud
  • The UNI Manager Plug-in project will run TBD System Test


Link back to UNI Manager Plug-in project main page.