OVSDB: Helium: Release Plan

OVSDB: Helium: Release Plan



The OVSDB Plugin project is an overlay Network Virtualization project that leverages other critical open source projects, OpenStack and Open vSwitch and integrates into them producing a controller driven framework for policy instantiation and operational management.

Release Deliverables

OVSDB Plugin Library: Redesigned OVSDB LibraryThe library can be used separately by any Java OVSDB implementation to help serve as a reference implementation.
Implement a strong CI frameworkAvoid developer downtime, reduce software bugs and increase the quality of the final deliverable
OVSDB plugin/Neutron: Implement various NXM extensions:Upstream extensions Openflowlibrary project in order to leverage necessary extension to develop OpenStack services in the OVSDB Neutron integration.
Integrate OpenStack Security Groups and RulesFirst of many OpenStack Neutron service integration. This will consolidate Port security functionality into the OVS network forwarding pipeline rather then the IP Tables Linux daemon.
Integrate OpenStack Neutron FWaaSIntegrate Firewall As a Service
Integrate OpenStack Neutron LBaaSIntegrate LoadBalancer As a Service
ARP Responding/HandlingL3 East/West forwarding distributed to the hypervisor
VLAN SupportTo facilitate traditional non-overlay fabric integration.
Persitance OpenFlow v1.3 Storage Across Controller ReloadsRecover from a controller failure and restore consistency with OpenStack and Open vSwitch without interuption to existing provisioned resources.
Continue to be a Community Driven Project.Ensure the Community made up of open source developers and network operators and engineers always have as much input and decision making in the spirit of Open Source Software.

Release Milestones

MilestoneOffset 0 DateDeliverables
Release PlanCandidate Release Plan
OVSDB Plugin Library: Redesigned OVSDB LibraryMerge initial cut at the redesign into master.Good progress tracked in the Topic Branch
Implement a strong CI frameworkEstablish the basic workflow in Jenkins and Pax ExamOVSDB plugin library IT/SI in parallel in library topic branch, initial Pax Exam complete, OF tests next up]]
OVSDB plugin/Neutron: Implement various NXM extensions:Commit extensions upstream and implement in the Neutron IntegrationProgress: Leverage the existing SetField Match/Action/Instructions with NXM types. Done: Basic TCP Sec State / Pending: Tunnel IPv4 Src/Dst model commit
Integrate OpenStack Security Groups and RulesCommit the Neutron APIs in the NB-API and along with ML2 Neutron IntegrationAPI and OS work done
ARP Responding/HandlingGet ARP responder working and the required Nicira extensions to do so upstream.Extensions which do not use SetField matching will be dependent on openflowplugin being extensible. Topic in OFPlugin weekly meeting Monday 6/16
VLAN SupportFacilitate traditional non-overlay OVS/Openstack fabric integration.Done
Persitance OpenFlow v1.3 Storage Across Controller ReloadsMD_SAL Data Store Dependent (in it's release plan)Slipping until MD_SAL Data Store implementation completes
Gateway SupportInvestigate the needs (if any) for any additional work needed for the OpenStack gateway we have from OpenStack currently. Continue to support hardware vendors ODL OVSDB plugin integration.OpenStack network node gateway complete Continue to support community with HW gateway solutions which implement the OVSDB protocol as they show interest.
OVSDB Plugin Library: Redesigned OVSDB LibraryVerify the implementation through the newly added test coverage and community feedbackTopic branch will be merged into master on 07/10/2014. Strong initial CI. OVS HW schema pending.
Implement a strong CI frameworkAdditional coverage and community documentationOVSDB Coverage is looking excellent. OF coverage is not at all. There is zero OpenFlow Java API IT in ODL. This is currently a focus. See the ODL/OVSDB plugin Jenkins configuration.
OVSDB plugin/Neutron: Implement various NXM/NX_Action/SubAction extensions:Continue to add as services demand and add test coverage to the dependancy from OpenflowPluginExtensiblity is still not available but we have included the NXMs we need in the project. The last immediate NXM need is awaiting merge in Patch #7722 NXAST (NX Actions) can not be done via SetField NXMs so require functioning extensiblity from OpenFlowJava, OpenFlowPlugin and Controller.
Integrate OpenStack Security Groups and RulesFinish OVSDB flowmod integration + QA at some scale to verify scale.Was on hold for the new OVSDB plugin Schema/Library work. This has slipped as we are focusing on redoing how we consume and instantiate OF flowmods. This is a focus in coming weeks along with OF IT.
ARP Responding/HandlingGet ARP responder working and the required Nicira extensions to do so upstream.On hold until NX Actions are implemented or extended in OpenflowPlugin/OpenFlowJava.
API FreezeFreeze OVSDB External dependent APIsDone.
OVSDB Plugin Library: Redesigned OVSDB LibraryFinal Validation, Documentation and CoverageDone.
Implement a strong CI frameworkContinue to validate and include new services as the developWe have a very good CI framework in place and we are enhancing it as planned
OVSDB plugin/Neutron: Implement various NXM extensions:Finish any bug fixes and last minute needs upstream before code freeze.We were completely blocked by Openflowplugin/OpenflowJava/MD-SAL extensibility support.
Integrate OpenStack Security Groups and RulesFocus on Test CoverageWe didnt make big progress due to the consistent blockage on the Openflow NXM extensibility support.
Integrate OpenStack Security Groups and RulesFirst of many OpenStack Neutron service integration.We didnt make big progress due to the consistent blockage on the Openflow NXM extensibility support.
Persitance OpenFlow v1.3 Storage Across Controller Reloads(unknown) MD_SAL Data Store DependantUnsure if we will be delivering this at all.
VLAN SupportTo facilitate traditional non-overlay fabric integration.Done.
Code Freeze
DoneMD-SAL: Clustering: Automated Integration testing of Clustered Data StoreRun the Automated Integration testing of Clustered Data Store from build systemDecided to push to Lithium
Performance TestingTest performance and interoperability with OpenStack and Open vSwitch of both OpenFlow and OVSDB protocols.Decided to push to Lithium
RC0 BugfixesBugfixes intended for RC0On Target
RC1 BugfixesBugfixes intended for RC1On Target
Release ReviewRelease Review Description
Deliverable NameDeliverable DescriptionOn Target
Formal Release9/29/2014
Deliverable NameDeliverable Description

Expected Dependencies on Other Projects

Depends OnDependency DescriptionNeeded ByIs in Other Project Release Plan
Openflowplugin/ Openflowjava/ Controller Yang ModelsOpenFlow v1.3 Support for selected NXM and MF ExtensionsM2 and M3 depending on the fieldNo
MD_SAL Data StoreDurable Configuration StorageM3/M4Yes

Compatibility with Previous Releases

Themes and Priorities

  1. Community
  2. Performance
  3. Robust Scale
  4. Innovation
  5. Solve Real World OpenStack Problems
  6. Kittens