ODL Usability Review

ODL Usability Review


Jun 24, 2020 


  • @Luis Gomez Palacios


One of the OpenDaylight goals is to achieve broad industry acceptance and platform adoption. But to achieve this, we have to ask ourselves: 1) How simple, inexpensive and flexible is to use current ODL platform to create SDN applications? and 2) Is the current ODL architecture suitable and optimal for most of the SDN use cases? The answer to these and other questions will help us understand where we are today and what we can do to improve our project.One of the OpenDaylight goals is to achieve broad industry acceptance and platform adoption. But to achieve this, we have to ask ourselves: 1) How simple, inexpensive and flexible is to use current ODL platform to create SDN applications? and 2) Is the current ODL architecture suitable and optimal for most of the SDN use cases? The answer to these and other questions will help us understand where we are today and what we can do to improve our project.


Action items