ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-05-19

ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-05-19


May 19, 2020


  • @Casey Cain

  • @Abhijit K

  • @Daniel De La Rosa

  • Dan Timoney

  • Atta Zabihi

  • Ruchira Agarwal

  • Rich T

  • Luis Gomez

  • Jamo Luhrsen


  • How should we handle releases?

  • ONAP is currently working on their Guilin Release Planning and will be ready in June.

    • Jamo suggested that SR1 would be a good point for alignment. 

    • Dan mentioned that there was not an upgrade to ODL in the Frankfurt release.  They are currently using the Neon release.

    • Jamo suggested adopting Magnesium. 

    • Dan thinks that ONAP will not want to skip over Sodium.

      • Carriers that are using ONAP are using a vendor-supported version of ODL.

      • They tend to lag a little bit

      • Luis noted that perhaps they will have time by June to target the Magnesium which has already been released

      • If they want to stay with Sodium.  It may make sense to use SR3 which will have some important updates. It should be available in 2 weeks.

    • Luis suggested that it is important to try to address the release gap to adopt important feature changes in ODL such as the Java 11 migration. 

      • Abhijit also suggests the move to Magnesium as the delta in Magnesium is comparatively less.

    • Dan we don't import a lot of classes from ODL to make sure there are no issues with incompatibilities that could arise with their own dependencies.

      • Also looking to avoid strict adherence to YANG reference models.

      • Jamo asked how the team was bypassing some core features of ODL

      • Dan explained that they were only really using the MD-SAL portion of ODL.

  • ONAP team is still deciding which release they want to use. Sodium SR2/3.

    • We need to be able to support multiple versions of the release for vendors who are not leveraging the latest release.

    • Jamo suggested we could possibly do an SR4 version of Sodium to better support the ONAP community.

      • Or we can hold the release of SR3 to mid-July?

There was a question about etcd instead of MD-SAL

Jamo noted that the effort has stalled because of a lack of resources.  However, we do have an ODL Micro Project that is under development.

  • There was a follow-up question about dynamic joining and leaving of the cluster

    • There is a method for doing it, but it currently isn't well tested or documented.

    • Jamo will follow up and update Rich T on the next call

Meeting time

  • The meeting is currently scheduled for once per month but we could make it every 2 weeks.

  • Dan: It makes sense to keep it monthly at this time.

Action items