

How to create votes:

Details on how to create votes can be found here.

However, we recommend the following options:

  • Changeable votes - Disabled

  • showComments - Enable only if you would like to have community members provide context on the vote.  This space should not be used for discussion.  That should be done in the mailing lists or in Meetings with a recording and minutes.

  • List of voters and viewers can generally be left blank.

  • Always show the results - Enabled

  • Show the list of already voted users? - Enabled.

  • Username Visualization - set to "Linked User Name"

  • Locked - Set after the voting period has concluded.


  • Separate resolutions by date, most recent at the top. (Typically Heading 2 font Style)

  • Link to the Minutes or the Mailing list thread where the resolution was discussed.

  • Link to any necessary documentation or files

Important note to Voters

  • If you are a Proxy, please notify the person who called the vote to indicate who you are proxying for.

TSC Resolutions on Nov 14, 2019

Minutes: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/zwKDAQ
Proxies: @Thanh Hafor @Anil Shashikumar Belur