NEutron VPN / upon subnetupdate, sometimes networkID is not set
Operating System: All
Platform: All

Sam Hague April 6, 2018 at 11:54 AM

Former user September 27, 2017 at 7:23 AM
I could not find the traces that made me open this issue.
however, this was an exception that occured on subnetmapchangelistener ( from vpnmanager).
when the code attempts to access to getNetworkId().getValue(), the problem arose.
protected void update(InstanceIdentifier<Subnetmap> identifier, Subnetmap subnetmapOriginal, Subnetmap
subnetmapUpdate) {
LOG.trace("update:SubnetmapListener update subnetmap method - key: {}, original: {}, update: {}",
identifier, subnetmapOriginal, subnetmapUpdate);
String elanInstanceName = subnetmapUpdate.getNetworkId().getValue();
this may lead to exceptions in subnetmapchangelistener listener.