- Openstack Opendaylight L3 issueNETVIRT-1710Abhinav Gupta
- Exception seen @ NeutronPortChangeListener-0', 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key: RouterIdsKey{_routerId=UuidNETVIRT-1709Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1709karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in statemanager-implNETVIRT-1708Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1708karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in ipv6service-implNETVIRT-1707Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1707karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in cloud-servicechain-implNETVIRT-1706Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1706karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in natservice-implNETVIRT-1705Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1705Chetan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in fibmanager-implNETVIRT-1704Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1704karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in dhcpservice-implNETVIRT-1703Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1703karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in aclservice-implNETVIRT-1702Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1702karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in elanmanager-implNETVIRT-1701Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1701karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in qosservice-implNETVIRT-1700Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1700Chetan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in statistics-implNETVIRT-1699Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1699karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in vpnmanager-implNETVIRT-1698Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1698karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in neutronvpn-implNETVIRT-1697Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1697karthikeyan Krishnan
- Remove references to org.opendaylight.genius.infra.ManagedNewTransactionRunner in statemanager-implNETVIRT-1696Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1696Robert Varga
- RPC exceptions seen @ org.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager-impl - 0.10.2 | RPC Call to Get Unique Id for keyNETVIRT-1695Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1695Srinivas Rachakonda
- Ping Vm Instance1 In net_2 From net_1 (vxlan to vlan):Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances. FAIL 'PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.NETVIRT-1694Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1694karthikeyan Krishnan
- ERROR: odltools 0.1.34 has requirement requests~=2.19.1, but you'll have requests 2.21.0 which is incompatible.NETVIRT-1693Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1693karthikeyan Krishnan
- BGP Neighbor Status On Quagga' failed after retrying for 2 minutes. The last error was: 'BGP neighbor is, remote AS 100, local AS 100, internal link BGP version 4, remote router ID issue: NETVIRT-1692karthikeyan Krishnan
- Verify VM Is ACTIVE' failed after retrying for 10 minutes. The last error was: '| OS-EXT-STS:vm_stateNETVIRT-1691Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1691karthikeyan Krishnan
- exception NeutronFloatingToFixedIpMappingChangeListener seen @ org.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.NeutronFloatingToFixedIpMappingChangeListener.addToFloatingIpInfo( issue: NETVIRT-1690Chetan
- TransactionCommitFailedException: Data did not pass validation for pathNETVIRT-1689Karthikeyan Krishnan
- Several failures occurred: AttributeError: Raw,SSHException:SSH session not activeNETVIRT-1688manjunath payala
- script fails during in get_remote_clientlinux_client.validate_authentication()NETVIRT-1687manjunath payala
- script fails during in wrapper return f(*func_args, **func_kwargs)NETVIRT-1686manjunath payala
- scipt fails during in _setup_networkNETVIRT-1685manjunath payala
- script fails during create_test_serverNETVIRT-1684manjunath payala
- Thread terminated due to uncaught exception: 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Supplied value "PENDING" does not match required pattern "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}"', '\tatNETVIRT-1683Former user
- UnsupportedOperationException:null, Failed while creating VPN interface for vpnIdNETVIRT-1682manjunath payala
- Job still failed on final retryNETVIRT-1681manjunath payala
- Null pointer Exception occours while adding the floating IPNETVIRT-1680manjunath payala
- IllegalArgumentException:Supplied value "PENDING" does not match required pattern "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}" atNETVIRT-1679manjunath payala
- multiple values under a key, use Multimaps.index. at ~[bundleFile:?]NETVIRT-1678Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1678karthikeyan Krishnan
- L3VPN Exceptions seen at org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.l3vpn.rev200204.AdjacenciesBuilder.setAdjacency( ~[?:?]NETVIRT-1677Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1677Srinivas Rachakonda
- ACL test fails in nightly after MRINETVIRT-1676Shashidhar R
- Multiple entries with same key exceptions are seenNETVIRT-1674Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1674Srinivas Rachakonda
- neutronvpn exceptions seen at org.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.NeutronPortChangeListener.handlePortSecurityUpdated( issue: NETVIRT-1673Srinivas Rachakonda
- arbitrator-reconcile:get-active-bundle needs to be implemented in AluminiumNETVIRT-1672Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1672Srinivas Rachakonda
- Exceptions seen in ElanBridgeManagerNETVIRT-1671Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1671Srinivas Rachakonda
- exceptions seen in bgpmanagerNETVIRT-1670Karthikeyan Krishnan
- CLI command class initializationNETVIRT-1669Manjunath Gowda
- exceptions seen in SNAT floating ip.NETVIRT-1668Chetan
- VNF route did not appear in fib/flows due to interface manager did not update the parentrefNETVIRT-1667Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1667karthikeyan Krishnan
- BGP code update verification.NETVIRT-1666Manjunath Gowda
- Exception from NAT service on release the ID from IDManagerNETVIRT-1665Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1665karthikeyan Krishnan
- exceptions seen during L3VPN disassociation and again association.NETVIRT-1664Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1664karthikeyan Krishnan
- BGP fib cache and alarm task fixesNETVIRT-1663Manjunath Gowda
- Unable to create SNAT table entry for floating IPNETVIRT-1662Resolved issue: NETVIRT-1662Chetan
- Optimizing BGP routesync operationNETVIRT-1661Manjunath Gowda
- BGP forward porting & Update source enhancementNETVIRT-1660Manjunath Gowda
50 of
Netvirt Oxygen Release Details
Sam Hague
Sam HagueLabels
ODL Project
ODL Release
ODL Participation
SNAPSHOT_Integrated (Managed)
ODL Checkpoint
ODL Gerrit Patch
Created March 9, 2018 at 1:51 AM
Updated October 2, 2019 at 4:32 PM
Resolved April 5, 2018 at 5:18 AM
NetVirt is a network virtualization solution that includes the following components as well as others: Open vSwitch based virtualization for software switches, Hardware VTEP for hardware switches, Service Function Chaining support within a virtualized environment, support for OVS and DPDK-accelerated OVS data paths, L3VPN (BGPVPN), EVPN, ELAN, distributed L2 and L3, NAT and Floating IPs, IPv6, Security Groups, MAC and IP learning.
Major Features Delivered in Oxygen
IPv6 L3VPN enhancements for North-South and external connectivity using BGPVPNs
ACL support for protocols that are not supported by conntrack
COE Netvirt Integration support for kubernetes
Better SFC integration
Neutron Port Allocation for ODL based DHCP Service
SR-IOV Hardware Offload for OVS
Weighted NAPT Selection
Support for compute node scale in and scale out functionality
Migration to automatically configured full-mesh of VxLAN tunnels
Upgrade Support based on configuration replay
Adoption of cache utilities from infrautils
Adoption of auto-retrying JobCoordinator utility from infrautils
Adoption of ManagedNewTransactionRunner utility from genius
Integration with Status & Diagnostics framework from infrautils
Support for FCAPs with integration of metrics utility from infrautils
Integrated support for creation of MPLS/GRE tunnels from OVS 2.8 for L3VPNs
Quality Improvements
Considerable increase in CSIT coverage and reliability
CSIT cleanup to make tests more reliable
Include more scenarios: external networks, PNF's, IPv6, SNAT, L3VPNs
General code cleanup
Adopt better transaction handling patterns
Memory leak cleanup
Better exception handling
Scale Improvements
Support for 150 nodes, using GENIUS effort of decoupling tunnel manager (ITM) from interface manager (IFM) (WIP- SR1)