2020-08-31 Meeting notes


@Casey Cain @Chetan @Daniel De La Rosa @JamO Luhrsen @Manoj Chokka @Thanh Ha @Abhijit K @Venkatrangan Govindarajan @Dhinua Dayalan @Yaojun Zeng @Sarguna Dharani @daya kamath @Sanjay Nayak



@JamO Luhrsen shared information on the Integration/Test Project

  • Showed how the test plans are formed and provided examples of how to modify tests.

  • Explained how Jenkins and Releng relate to test.

@Luis Gomez Palacios share information on  Integration/Dist

  • Explained how the project is built and the difference between Managed and Self-managed workflows.

    • Noted that self-managed projects that do not use Karaf do not need to be in the Int/Dist pom

      • The <scope>test</scope> tag will not list the feature in Karaf

      • The only real failure is usually related to making sure that the version is correct in the pom.

    • Manged projects are mostly handled by the LF build system and requires little maintenance. 

      • Showed how to add new projects to the managed distribution.

  • Self-Managed distribution happens 1 week after the Managed release.

    • Manged release is tested via the autorelease automatically. 

Action items