- 1 Project Name
- 2 Features
- 3 Non-Code Aspects (user docs, examples, tutorials, articles)
- 4 Architectural Issues
- 5 Security Considerations
- 6 Quality Assurance (test coverage, etc)
- 7 End-of-life (API/Features EOLed in Release)
- 8 Bugzilla (summary of bug situation)
- 9 Standards (summary of standard compliance)
- 10 Schedule (initial schedule and changes over the release cycle)
Project Name
OVSDB (Open vSwitch Database)
OVSDB project host two plugin that provides implementation of two OVS schema (OVSDB and HwVtep). Following are the high level features for both the plugins:
OVSDB Southbound Plugin
- Feature Name: odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl
- Feature URL:;a=blob_plain;f=southbound/southbound-features/src/main/features/features.xml
- Feature Description: This feature is the main feature of the OVSDB Southbound plugin. This plugin handle the OVS device that supports the OVSDB schema and talk the OVSDB protocol.
- Top Level: Yes
- User Facing: No
- Experimental: No
- CSIT Test:
- Feature Name: odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl-rest
- Feature URL:;a=blob_plain;f=southbound/southbound-features/src/main/features/features.xml
- Feature Description: This feature is the main user facing feature of the OVSDB Southbound plugin. This feature provides functionality of the above mentioned feature (odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl) as well as restconf interface to consume the functionality. Users, who want to develop application that manages the OVSDB supported devices but want to runs the application runs outside of the OpenDaylight controller should use this feature.
- Top Level: Yes
- User Facing: Yes
- Experimental: No
- CSIT Test:
OVSDB Hardware vTep Southbound Plugin
- Feature Name: odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound
- Feature URL:;a=blob_plain;f=hwvtepsouthbound/hwvtepsouthbound-features/src/main/features/features.xml
- Feature Description: This feature is the main feature of the OVSDB Hardware vTep Southbound plugin. This plugin handle the OVS device that supports the OVSDB Hardware vTep schema and talk the OVSDB protocol.
- Top Level: Yes
- User Facing: No
- Experimental: Yes
- CSIT Test: No
- Feature Name: odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-rest
- Feature URL:;a=blob_plain;f=hwvtepsouthbound/hwvtepsouthbound-features/src/main/features/features.xml
- Feature Description: This feature is main user facing feature of the OVSDB Hardware vTep Southbound plugin. This feature provides functionality of the above mentioned feature (oodl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound) as well as restconf interface to consume the functionality. Users, who want to develop application that manages the OVSDB hardware vtep supported devices but want to runs the application outside of the OpenDaylight controller should use this feature.
- Top Level: Yes
- User Facing: Yes
- Experimental: Yes
- CSIT Test: No
Non-Code Aspects (user docs, examples, tutorials, articles)
- Release notes
- Installation Guide(s)
- User Guide(s)
- Developer Guide(s)
ASCII doc gerrits
Architectural Issues
No known architectural issue
Security Considerations
No known issues.
Quality Assurance (test coverage, etc)
OVSDB southbound plugin is extensively tested through Unit Tests, IT test and system tests. Following URL gives more details about the test coverage
Sonar :
End-of-life (API/Features EOLed in Release)
No feature is being EOLed in this release.
Bugzilla (summary of bug situation)
No blocker bugs.
Currently there are 4 bugs open, but none of them is blocker bug. Details can be found here.
Standards (summary of standard compliance)
Schedule (initial schedule and changes over the release cycle)