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OpenDaylight TWS Presentations



 TransportPCE, a full open source approach based on OpenDaylight & Open ROADM 



Service Automation Framework 

Open Networking Summits

September 2019
ONS Europe 2019
SDN in the World of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning: by Abhijit Kumbhare 


September 2018
ONS Europe 2018
OpenDaylight: Current and Future Use Cases: by Abhijit Kumbhare

Basic Collateral

The OpenDaylight Foundation maintains a set of basic collateral that can be used to deliver or augment a presentation on OpenDaylight. Pointers to the latest of these resources is below:

Topic/DeckLast UpdatedContactFormatDeck
OpenDaylight Project Overview2014Phil Robbpptx

OpenDaylight Slide Template2018Casey CainGoogle Presentation



April: Sodium DDF (Apr 1-2, 2019)

OpenDaylight Scale


Luis Gomez

Automating a functional tests suite in ODL


Guillaume Lambert / Cédric Ollivier


September: ONS Europe Amsterdam (Sep 25-27, 2018)



Abhijit Kumbhare

September: DDF @ ONS Europe Amsterdam (Sep 23/24, 2018)

Out of the Box Network Developer meet up

OpenDaylight Update recording


Luis Gomez

OpenDaylight Update slides


Luis Gomez

March: ONS North America Los Angeles

State of Container Networking: Where Are We and Where are We Going?


Frederick Kautz & Faseela K


Oxygen Developer Design Forum

Zoom Day 1 Recording


Casey Cain
Zoom Day 2 Recording


Casey Cain
S3P Scalability Testing: Status update


Matt Welch

OPNFV Summit Beijing


Evolution of a Multi-Organizational Developer Community Within China Panel

Audio Only - Mandarin with brief summaries in English


Kevin Yin

Nitrogen Developer Design Forum

Nitrogen DDF Welcome


Phil Robb

Notes from the Karaf 4 session


Stephen Kitt
Notes from the odlparent Nitrogen release planning session


Stephen Kitt
OpenFlow Plugin Nitrogen Planning


Abhijit Kumbhare

Genius Nitrogen Planning & Service binding Enhancements


Vivek Srivastava

Service Recovery Mechanisms


Vivek Srivastava

SFC Nitrogen Planning


Brady Johnson

NetVirt Carbon Retrospective


Sam Hague

NetVirt Nitrogen Planning


Sam Hague

ODL Neutron Northbound update


Isaku Yamahata

Port Status Update Next Phase


Josh Hershberg
COE Overview & Planning


Prem Sankar



Michael Vorburger

Improving Transactions (BUT this session never happened like this)


Stephen Kitt

OpenStack 2017

Nirvana Stack Presentations

The "Nirvana Stack" is an NFV solution stack which was proposed by ATT during the last ODL Summit and which consists of 4 key components: OpenStack, OpenDaylight, - all of which are integrated into a solution stack in OPNFV. These were presented at OpenStack 17 in Boston.

Networking-VPP: An OpenStack ML2 Driver for VPP


Ian Wells

Evolution of ODL Network Control


Francois Lemarchand
Andre Fredette
Frank Brockners

Integration of ODL and


Frank Brockners

Solving the L3-VPN use cases with Nirvana Stack


Paul Carver
Thomas Morin
Frank Brockners

SFC with Nirvana Stack


Brady Johnson
Danny Zhou

ONS 2017


Misc Presentations 2017



OpenDaylight Summit Seattle

September 26th - September 30th

TopicPresenterVM / Deck (Video added after Summit)
OpenStack Integration: The BasicsSam Hague
Prem Sankar
ova VirtualBox installers
OpenFlow User TutorialLuis Gomez

NETCONF & YANGRyan Goulding
Alexis de Talhouet
Giles Heron
VM - Slides
Writing an Application for OpenDaylightGaurav Bhagwani
Hema Gopalkrishnan
Manohar SL
OpenStack Integration: Netvirt Advanced FeaturesPrem Sankar
Anil Vishnoi

SFC TutorialBrady Johnson

Composting Solution Stacks with ODL & OpenStack in OPNFVFrank Brockners
High Level SDN Programming using Algorithmic PoliciesY.Richard Yang
May Wang

OpenDaylight OpenFlow & OVSDB Use CasesAbhijit Kumbhare
Anil Vishnoi

BGP & PCEP TutorialAjay Chhabria
Ajay Lele
Kevin Wang
Giles Heron
BGPCEP Use CasesGiles HeronSlides (better viewed in preso mode)
New Features in OpenDaylight BGP-PCEPAjay Chhabria
Ajay Lele
Kevin Wang

Developing Upstream System TestsJamo LuhrsenVM
Basic Operations for ODL NIC, QoS, Intents and ContributingYrineu Rodrigues

Status Update on OpenStack IntegrationIsaku Yamahata, Mike Kolesnik

OpenDaylight Clustering – What’s new in BoronJan Medved
Robert Varga

OpenStack & OpenDaylight Integration for SFCAnil Vishnoi

OpenDaylight at OpenStack Silicon Valley

Collaborating with ODL for Network Enabled Cloud, Jan Medved of Cisco

OpenDaylight Mini Summit @OPNFV Berlin

Adaptive SDN Networks

Gaurav Bhagwani
Manohar SL
Harsh Kumar
Sharath Kumar V
D Arunprakash

ODL BGP Use Cases


Giles Heron

Building Robust Applications on top of ODL


Stephen Kitt

Carrier Ethernet 2.0 Services in Mobile backhaul networks


Ioakeim K. Smaras

Supporting Composed SDN Applications and Controller independence with NetIDE


Alec Leckey

SFC Composite Use Cases


Brady Johnson
Chris Price

OpenDaylight has Oomph!


Michael Vorburger

ONS 2016

OpenDaylight Test & Performance


Luis Gomez

Service assurance and network analytics


Balaji Ethirajulu

Integrating OpenDaylight with OpenStack


Isaku Yamahata

South-bound Interface for Programmable Data-plane Panel


Anu Mercian

Clustering in OpenDaylight


Colin Dixon

Demo from OpenDaylight Booth
Fabric as a Service (From ODL Booth)


George Zhao

NeXt UI Toolkit (From ODL Booth)


Aikepaer AbuduweiliYouTube Video
VPP App Demo (From ODL Booth)


Chris MentzYouTube Video
YANG Pub/Sub (From ODL Booth)


Alex Clemm

VTN (From ODL Booth)

Hideyuki Tai

Misc 2016



OpenDaylight Summit 2015

Open Daylight Summit will be held on July 27-31, 2015 in Santa Clara, CA, USA.

User Tutorial: Deploying OpenDaylight

- 8:30am

Daniel Farrell <>Slides (HTML)
User Tutorial: Basic Operations Guide

  - 11:00am

Luis Gomez <>

User Tutorial: OVSDB Network Virtualization

  - 3:50pm

Sam Hague <>

Neutron and OpenDaylight: Battle of Titans or Cupid and Psyche?

  - 2:30pm

Flavio Fernandes (flaviof) and Armando Migliaccio (armax)

MDSAL-Clustering Internals

  - 3:50pm

Moiz Raja <>

High Performance Continuous Integration

  - 1:30pm

Luis Gomez <>

UI Testing using Robot and Selenium2Library

  - 11:00am

Nitin Agarwal <>

OVSDB Developer Forum

  - 1:20pm

Sam Hague <>

Experiences with Neutron & ODL

  - 4:15pm

Wojciech Dec <>

Messaging4Transport – Message Oriented Middleware Bindings for MD-SAL

  - 11:00 am

Pradeeban Kathiravelu <>

Misc 2015

ODLUG Tokyo #1 Meetup


Message from Neela-san to Tokyo OpenDaylightersMasashi Kudo <>

ODLUG Tokyo #1 Meetup


Presentation/Hands-on FilesMasashi Kudo <>Folder
OpenDaylight Silicon Valley Meetup


Integration & Test Strategy for LithiumLuis Gomez

OpenDaylight Silicon Valley Meetup


OpenDaylight MD-SAL Clustering ExplainedMoiz Raja

OpenStack Summit / Liberty Design Summit (Vancouver)


OpenDaylight and OpenStackDave NearyOpenDaylight and OpenStack
OpenDaylight Architecture


OpenDaylight ArchitectureEd Warnicke


Misc 2014

University of Arizona SDN Workshop


The OpenDaylight Project: Introduction and OverviewDavid Meyer <>slides (pdf)
OpenDaylight Summit


Developing OpenDaylight Apps with MD-SALJan Medved <>, Tony Tkacik <>

Network Field Day 7


Learnings From Hydrogen and What's Next for OpenDaylightDavid Meyer <> (pdf)


I2RS Related/Relevant Yang Models Currently in UseRobert Varga <>

Great Wide OpenApril 2-3 2014Learnings From Hydrogen and What's Next for OpenDaylightDavid Meyer <> (pdf)


Interoperability is Key to Accelerating SDN Adoption (ODL overview)Neela Jacques <>

OpenStack Summit Atlanta 2014May 12-16 2014Introduction to OpenDaylight and Hydrogen, Learnings from the Year, and What's Next for OpenDaylightDavid Meyer <>, Kyle Mestry <>
OpenStack Summit Atlanta 2014May 12-16 2014Using OpenStack With OpenDaylightDavid Meyer <>, Kyle Mestry <>, Madhu Venugopal <>, Brent Salisbury <>
Whitehall Media SDN London


Required network evolution for SDN/NFVNils Swart <>

OpenDaylight HackFest at SDN Japan


グループポリシーを用いたネットワーク設定中川 幸洋、李 忠翰

OpenDaylight HackFest at SDN Japan



OpenDaylight HackFest at SDN Japan


VTN Managerの内部実装NEC


OpenDaylight SDN ControllerSumit AroraOpenDaylight SDN Cotroller

The Lithium Developer Design Forum

Open Daylight Summit was held on September 29-30 in Santa Clara, CA, USA.


 - 10:00am

Mark Mozolewski <>, Moiz Raja <>, Raghurama Bhat <>

Device Driver Framework

  - 2:30pm

Steve Dean <>


 - 10:00am

Liem Nguyen <>Slides (googledoc)
Simplified Net Services APIs

  - 9:00am

Rex Pugh <>

Safe Link Discovery

  - 4:45pm

Shaun Wackerly<>

Openflow Hybrid Mode Support

  - 4:45pm

Shaun Wackerly<>


  - 1:00pm

Mark Mozolewski <>

Lithium Release

- 10:00am

George Zhao, Ed Warnicke, Colin Dixon, Mathieu LeMey, Robert Varga, An Ho


OpenDaylight MiniSummit


Hydrogen ReleaseEd Warnicke < IRC: edwarnicke



Hydrogen ReleaseEd Warnicke <> IRC: edwarnicke

IETF Netconf Working GRoup


OpenDaylight Update and Standards AsksJan Medved <>

OpenStack Summit (Hong Kong)


OpenDaylight integration with OpenStackStephan Baucke <>, Kyle Mestery <>, Anees Shaikh <>, Chris Wright <>

ONF NBI Leadership Roundtable


OpenDaylight PresentationJan Medved <>, Anees A Shaikh <>, Reinaldo Penno (repenno) <>

CloudCon Europe 2013


OpenDaylight Controller PresentationGiovanni Meo <>

MPLS SDN 2013 (isocore)


OpenDaylight Developer Tutorial PresentationThomas Nadeau <>, Ken Gray <>, Bhushan Kanekar <>, and Madhu Venguopal <>

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