- Start the Recording
- We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company's legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
- Agenda Bashing, Roll Call, Action Items (all, 10:00-10:05 pm)
- Releases
- Silicon
- Aluminum SR 2
- TAC & SPC Updates
- Marketing Update
- TSC Grievance Tracking
- General Topics
- LFN TAC & SPC Representatives Election
- Developer & Testing Forum
- Topic Proposals due (tomorrow!)
- Any Other Topics
- Silicon.. Code freeze scheduled for according to release schedule Robert Varga will confirm that we will have a karaf upgrade is possible in the next two weeks
- Aluminum SR 2.. MRI is done and RC has been picked, so CSIT tracking sheet is in progress. Team will review it in the next few days.. Daniel De La Rosa will adjust the SR2 checklist accordingly . Some infra issues are happening - Robert Varga also points problems to monitor jobs...
TAC & SPC Update
- Project XGVela inducted into LFN as a sandbox project.
- XGVela Induction Proposal
- More details in the TAC meeting minutes at: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/CYq-Ag
Marketing Update
- Brandon Wick discussed engagement with the EUAG and asked if there was someone from the community who would like to participate in representing ODL to the EUAG.
- There was a brief discussion about methods to get and collect data voluntarily from deployments.
- Filip Čúzy (Deactivated) talked about methods to improve our social media pages and developing some short-format training and onboarding videos.
- Filip Čúzy (Deactivated) also shared a draft refresh of the ODL webpage
- some suggestions to address Mailing-list and others media subscriptions + TSC charter for contributors
- Brandon Wick we are also working on developing some new use cases and developer spotlights.
General Topic
- Casey Cain initiated an election for the TAC and SPC representatives on
- The self-nomination period will last for 2 weeks.
- SPC Responsibilities
- TAC Page
- Casey Cain to file a bug with IT to restore ODL to https://security.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/#/
- Anil Shashikumar Belur to investigate and report to the TSC CSIT and Infra issues and job monitoring problems that are happening