Integrate EffectiveAugmentationSchema into AugmentationSchemaNode/AugmentEffectiveStatement}


As part of initial NormalizedNode integration and then when we fixed , we have noted an omission on yang.model.api projection.

The problem is that AugmentationSchemaNode.getChildren() reflects its child statements as declared in source, without taking into account further augmentations at target instantiation site.

We have solved this with AugmentationSchemaProxy and then supplanted it with EffectiveAugmentationSchema.

The differences are rather under-documented and at its core demonstrates there is a significant 'point of view' difference as to what it 'effective children' means:

  • in binding, we need to see how augment children were effectively declared

  • in yang.model.api, we would like to project them as replicas of how those statements look at instantiation site

  • in we care about the former due to AugmentationNode, which is a leak (through the datastore operations logic) from binding and we aim to remove this with

Introduce an additional methods to expose the equivalent of EffectiveAugmentationSchema from both AugmentationSchemaNode and AugmentEffectiveStatement

which will allow users to flip between the two views.



Robert Varga June 21, 2023 at 1:16 AM

With AugmentationNode gone from yang-data-api, there is very little incentive to actually provide this view, as there really are no more users left. EffectiveAugmentationSchema ends up being deprecated for removal.

Won't Do





Fix versions


Created March 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated February 6, 2025 at 2:13 PM
Resolved June 21, 2023 at 1:16 AM