- Use of Mockito causes test output containing errorsODLPARENT-326Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-326Robert Varga
- Configs partially written leaving system to broken stateODLPARENT-325
- SFT randomly fails on artifact fetchODLPARENT-324Robert Varga
- SFT refreshes on javax.injectODLPARENT-323Robert Varga
- Remove unused pax.web web serversODLPARENT-322Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-322Peter Šuňa
- template-feature-parent does not work with maven-gpg-pluginODLPARENT-321
- Require Maven 3.9.5+ODLPARENT-320Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-320Robert Varga
- Require Java 21 at build and runtimeODLPARENT-319Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-319Robert Varga
- SFT exhibits a NPEODLPARENT-317Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-317Robert Varga
- JMX error during SFTODLPARENT-316
- Remove unnecessary processing of OSGI versions in template-feature-pluginODLPARENT-315Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-315Peter Šuňa
- Class mismatch on failing SFTODLPARENT-314Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-314Robert Varga
- Remove odl-karaf-feat-jdbcODLPARENT-313Ivan Hraško
- Bundle states are not collected reliably on feature-test-plugin executionODLPARENT-312Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-312Ruslan Kashapov
- Bump Derby to 10.17.xODLPARENT-311Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-311Ivan Hraško
- Bump PAX-JDBC version to the latest 1.5.7ODLPARENT-310Peter Šuňa
- Rework odl-karaf-feat-jdbc feature to be more lightweightODLPARENT-309Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-309Peter Šuňa
- Fix PostgreSQL CVE-2024-1597 vulnerabilityODLPARENT-308Peter Šuňa
- Fix mysql-connector-j CVE-2023-22102 vulnerabilityODLPARENT-307Peter Šuňa
- Exclude Apache Derby from buildODLPARENT-306Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-306Peter Šuňa
- Add sonarcloud badges to READMEODLPARENT-305Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-305Oleksandr Zharov
- Rename CONTRIBUTING.markdown to fileODLPARENT-304Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-304Matúš Matok
- Rename README.markdown to fileODLPARENT-303Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-303Matúš Matok
- Unneeded artifacts included in featuresODLPARENT-302Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-302Robert Varga
- Bump jetty to 9.4.52.v20230823ODLPARENT-301Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-301Robert Varga
- Revisit annotation artifact dependenciesODLPARENT-300Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-300Robert Varga
- spotbugs configuration contains invalid directivesODLPARENT-299Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-299Robert Varga
- Do not pull in org.apache.aries.quiesce.apiODLPARENT-298
- Do not pull in org.apache.aries.blueprint.core.compatibilityODLPARENT-297
- Add odl-apache-spifly featureODLPARENT-296Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-296Robert Varga
- Add assertj dependencyODLPARENT-295Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-295Robert Varga
- JAVA_MAX_MEM has no effectODLPARENT-294Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-294Robert Varga
- odlparent-10.0.4 does not work with LGTMODLPARENT-293Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-293
- Mis-aligned versions of el-apiODLPARENT-292Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-292Robert Varga
- Remove Jung2 packagingODLPARENT-290Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-290Robert Varga
- Add argparse4j declarationODLPARENT-289Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-289Robert Varga
- Remove jsonassert declarationODLPARENT-288Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-288Robert Varga
- Remove commons-net packagingODLPARENT-287Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-287Robert Varga
- Remove commons-fileupload declarationODLPARENT-286Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-286Robert Varga
- Remove common-codec packagingODLPARENT-285Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-285Robert Varga
- does not work with odlparent-10.0.1ODLPARENT-284Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-284Robert Varga
- Remove Google Truth declarationODLPARENT-283Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-283Robert Varga
- Integrate into the build processODLPARENT-282
- Adopt Karaf-4.3.7 or laterODLPARENT-281Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-281Robert Varga
- Generate an SBOM for artifactsODLPARENT-280Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-280Robert Varga
- Netty's epoll(2) support does not workODLPARENT-279Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-279Robert Varga
- maven-compiler-plugin-3.9.0 breaks JPMSODLPARENT-278Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-278Robert Varga
- Remove legacy osgi artifact declarationODLPARENT-277Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-277Robert Varga
- Use modular OSGi declarationsODLPARENT-276Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-276Robert Varga
- Remove powermock declarationODLPARENT-275Resolved issue: ODLPARENT-275Robert Varga
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