Update the Summary with the feature name and tag. Pick a short, descriptive tag with hyphens. The card title would be: Long Feature Title (tag).
Update the Description to reference the new blueprint and include the minimum suggested information shown below by replacing the relevant sections in the cloned jira.
Change the assignee to yourself.
Add new user stories and tasks as needed to track further tasks related to the spec.
Break the tasks down into small tasks that can be easily updated to provide status.
Make sure to include the tag as a label on all jiras related to the feature.
For all gerrits related to the blueprint add "Issue: GENIUS-12345" in the commit message just above the Change-ID. Use the jira issue of the blueprint spec jira.
Blueprint Description
Update the following:
Feature name and tag. The tag is a short version of the feature that is unique and will be used to track the related gerrits. This tag will be used as the topic for all gerrits related to the blueprint.
High-level description. Provide enough detail for the user to understand the feature.
Specification links. Replace the example gerrit ID with the new blueprint spec gerrit ID.
Follow this workflow when adding new blueprints. The workflow is borrowed heavily from [OpenStack Blueprint](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints).
The following steps should be used for each new blueprint:
Clone the BP Template https://lf-opendaylight.atlassian.net/browse/GENIUS-128. Open the jira. Select More->Clone.
Update the Summary with the feature name and tag. Pick a short, descriptive tag with hyphens. The card title would be: Long Feature Title (tag).
Update the Description to reference the new blueprint and include the minimum suggested information shown below by replacing the relevant sections in the cloned jira.
Change the assignee to yourself.
Add new user stories and tasks as needed to track further tasks related to the spec.
Break the tasks down into small tasks that can be easily updated to provide status.
Make sure to include the tag as a label on all jiras related to the feature.
For all gerrits related to the blueprint add "Issue: GENIUS-12345" in the commit message just above the Change-ID. Use the jira issue of the blueprint spec jira.
Blueprint Description
Update the following:
Feature name and tag. The tag is a short version of the feature that is unique and will be used to track the related gerrits. This tag will be used as the topic for all gerrits related to the blueprint.
High-level description. Provide enough detail for the user to understand the feature.
Specification links. Replace the example gerrit ID with the new blueprint spec gerrit ID.
Link to gerrits: [gerrits](https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/project:genius+branch:master+topic:$TAG). Replace the TAG with the tag created above. This should be the topic selected for all gerrits so that it could be used to track all gerrits related to the feature.
Dependencies (if any).
Compiling Docs
Use [Compiling Docs|https://trello.com/c/EEoeAS03/74-compiling-docs] given under netvirt trello to learn how to compile the documentation before pushing the patch.