Design raft.spi.SnapshotStore


We use RaftActor’s persistence in a rather twisty way to store two pieces of state:

  • snapshots, in our custom snapshot store

  • journal entries (and book-keeping to go with them) in our custom persistence provider

Furthermore, we exchange state in terms of AppendEntries and InstallSnapshot, both of which offer a message slicing mechanism for state which ends up applied to state (and to user state, i.e. ShardDataTree and scenery).

Design the interface to access state snapshots, SnapshotStore, which will allow:

  • to start receiving a snapshot in Follower role, where each snapshot is identified as “<lastIndex>-<term>-<leader>.receive”, driven by InstallSnapshot and encapsulating SnapshotTracker logic

  • perform an asynchronous ‘apply state’ from this handle, during which the snapshot is identified as “<lastIndex>-<term>-<leader>.apply”

  • snapshots are stored in a directory

  • there is an archive of applied snapshots, identified as “<lastIndex>-<term>.archived”

  • the snapshot with the greatest lastIndex is considered “last snapshot”, from which a set of Payloads are stored (i.e. journal entries)



Robert Varga 14 hours ago

This ends up creating quite a number of patches, as the interface between sal-akka-raft and its users (i.e. sal-distributed-datastore) is quite arcane. The overall theme is improved scalability, though.





Fix versions


Created November 8, 2024 at 3:50 AM
Updated 14 hours ago