Welcome to NetVirt
NetVirt is a network virtualization solution that includes the following components as well as others: Open vSwitch based virtualization for software switches, Hardware VTEP for hardware switches, Service Function Chaining support within a virtualized environment, support for OVS and DPDK-accelerated OVS data paths, L3VPN (BGPVPN), EVPN, ELAN, distributed L2 and L3, NAT and Floating IPs, IPv6, Security Groups, MAC and IP learning.
Netvirt would provide the following modules --
Creates and maintains the VPN information like VpnInstances, VpnInterfaces, VpnMaps, etc.
Creates and maintains the Vpn Operational Information like VpnFootPrint, VpnInstanceOpData, VpnInterfaceOpData, etc.
Creates the L3 Forwarding Information Base (FIB) rules which is understandable by OFPlugin module and write all the populated data into FRM data store (Config-Inventory-DS)
It is used for communicating between ODL Application to Quagga(Routing Engine) via Thrift Protocol. Also it provides the support for Quagga Advertised routes from DC-GW to ODL FIB Engine.
It is used for providing DHCPv4 Server functionality as same as Openstack QDHCP Agent service.
It provides the ACL (Access Control List) in both INGRESS and EGRESS mode to VM booted neutron port.
It provides the NATing service to openstack tenant VMs in the flavor of SNAT/Floating-IP(DNAT) for Internet Connectivity purpose.