You should see log output that shows a successful translation from "abcd" to "ABCD".
If you have errors building...
You might hit an error about "Failure to find com.beust:klaxon:jar". This jar comes from Spring IO at https://repo.spring.io/plugins-release/com/beust/klaxon/ and this repo is not normally mirrored in most repositories, but ODL does mirror this and you can add the following to your ~/settings.xml
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</repository> |
Running the tests
Most of the testing is done using unit tests that are written using Spock (a highly recommended
alternative to JUnit). These tests are run as part of every single build and a failure of
a unit test breaks the build.
Using a Plastic distribution
Plastic is 100% independent of ODL code/dependencies and can be used stand-alone. Plastic is available several places including Maven Central and you can insert the dependency in your POM like the below example.
To use the Plastic logic, you can create a new SearchPath("/opt/myapp/my-plastic") instance, passing the file system location to that root directory, and pass that to a new instance of CartorapherWorker. This worker's lifetime should be that of your application. Just call worker.translate(...) for each translation.
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class MyApp {
// throws if this path does not have the required sub-directory structure above
SearchPath root = new SearchPath("/opt/myapp/my-plastic");
CartographerWorker worker = new CartographerWorker(root);
// the schemas directory should have these somewhere:
// my-input-schema-1.0.json
// my-output-schema-1.0.json
VersionedSchema inschema = new VersionedSchema("my-input-schema", "1.0", "json")
VersionedSchema outschema = new VersionedSchema("my-output-schema", "1.0", "json")
void handleIncomingPayload(String payload) {
String result = worker.translate(inschema, outschema, payload);
Out-of-the-box tutorial examples
From the target/runner directory, you can execute any of the tutorial examples
using a command like
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./plastic_runner <name>.properties |