Please see the TSC Chair Election Process page for more information on eligibility and processes.
All candidates must self nominate.
Self-nominations will take place from to
The nomination period will close at 5 PM PST
Voting will take place from on the TSC call to account for the Christmas holiday.
Information on the Candidates:
Each Candidate, please provide the following:
- Name
- Photo
- Biography
- Statement of Intent in being the TSC Chairperson
Robert Varga WITHDRAWN
Robert has been involved in OpenDaylight from its start, having co-authored the MD-SAL architecture and designing major portions of its implementation.
He is the overall top contributor on OpenDaylight and has contributed ~16% of all patches merged, touching majority of projects. He is a committer of a wide range of projects — odlparent, yangtools, mdsal, bgpcep, controller, aaa, netconf, vbd, infrautils and coretutorials.
His contributions tend to center around maven build system, overall architecture and high-level design (BGP, PCEP, OpenFlow Boron design, Virtual Bridge Domain), performance/stability-critical pieces of infrastructure and high availability.
His current focus is platform core use cases and related development.
Statement of Intent:
I would like to have TSC meetings more structured, with regular syncup on relevant areas that pertain to our project: LFN, TAC, marketing, etc. I feel strongly the TSC needs to have a set of strategic and tactical goals on which it is working.
@Guillaume Lambert
Guillaume Lambert is a Telecomunication Engineer and has been working for Orange since 2003.
He has been interested in Open Source and Free Software since he was graduating at ENST Bretagne and he took part to its Linux User Groups and to the "Groupe de Réflexion et d'Animation Autour du Libre" .
During his carreer at Orange, he was involved in various in-house developments and deployments, for example on Single-Sign-On platforms based on Liberty Alliance specifications or on IP Networks Monitoring systems relying on Netflow/IPFIX.
Guillaume joined Orange Labs transmission department in 2015 and the OpenDaylight Community in 2016. Since then, he has been actively promoting and contributing to it.
He is currently the PTL of the transportPCE project and is occasionnaly contributing to others projects such as BGPCEP and docs.
Statement of Intent
During these last years, I had to take the train on the way and to learn from scratch how to integrate transportPCE to the OpenDaylight official distributions.
I used to lead a chair for a Liberty Alliance ID-SIS group in the past.
I think that my experience can benefit the TSC chair to gather the various points of views, especially the ones coming from newcomers,
and also to oil the wheels with the whole LFN governance and operating modes.