- RC has been approved by TSC to be AR 256 and it is looking good to be released by 04 . ( one week delay )
- We seem to be lagging around two weeks - but likely not affect the release schedule IF, we move forward with the next point..
- Integration patch will stay in https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/c/integration/distribution/+/89511... Robert Varga will take care of Neutron (supercommiter rights have been approved by TSC ) ; Netvirt will need to catch up.
- https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/IT-19610 is the ticket for supercommitter rights
- IT responsiveness
- Steve Ira responded that the number of full time engineers dedicated to ODL was reduced by the LFN GB by one last year. This seems to be a news to the TSC but Casey Cainthinks it was discussed at a TSC meeting - need to investigate.
- It seems the system has become more ticket focused than earlier method of dedicated IT engineers.
- ONAP - ODL cross community program management
- Casey Cain will look into this - with Kenny Paul (ONAP community manager).
NetConf PTL Replacement
- Balaji is no longer working on ODL - and he was NetConf PTL. So new PTL needed.
- There is a candidate for NetConf PTL - JamO Luhrsen. The project will decide on whether JamO Luhrsenis acceptable
- Abhijit K to reach out to Balaji Varadaraju to find out his plans about ODL TSC.