- Review the Project Lifecycle to get a clear picture of how projects work at OpenDaylight.
- Create a new Page from this template:
Create from Template templateName 35356673917513 templateId 3535667312529998 title <Project Name> buttonLabel Project Proposal Template - Fill in the page you created describing your proposal.
- Please indicate if you are planning to contribute existing code, or start a new project from scratch.
- Note: It is very important that you include both the OpenDaylight account name (i.e. Gerrit User ID) and associated email address for all initial committers. This will speed the on-boarding process immensely.
- send mail to project-proposals with a reference to your newly created project proposal page
- Prepare your existing code for contribution. Suggestions can be found here.
- Submit your code to the OpenDaylight Foundation for IPR Review by contacting Casey Cain.