- Silicon SR4 version bump is complete and we are just waiting for Luis Gomez Palaciosis in the process of releasing the official distribution, so we can follow up with documentation
- Phosphorus SR2 release is still in progress, pending the fix of MDSAL-718. Once that is fixed, we will pick a RC as stated in the checklist
- Sulfur code freeze is supposed to happen next week but we are waiting for Robert Vargato confirm that this can happen at the current state
- Ongoing work to improve doc generation subprojects automation with Luis Gomez Palacios and Anil Shashikumar Belur
- docs committer should be granted access to RTD subprojects doc generation => Open a LFN ticket to that (Action Point Guillaume Lambert ) https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/theme/portal/2/IT-23601