- Silicon SR3 is still work in progress Former user (Deleted) and Robert Vargaare working fixing some openflow issues and we are rPhosphorus SR1 checklist requesting Richard Kosegito help with some jsonrpc issues
- Phosphorus SR1 code freeze will still be announced
- The MRI bump patches are here: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/q/topic:mri-phosphorus-sr1 (combined with equivalent Sulfur refresh)
- The ticket for supercommiter rights is here: https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/theme/portal/2/IT-23185
ODL maintenance window (12:00p Wed, Nov 3 to 8:30p Wed, Nov 3 UTC)
- Phosphorus page is now live on the ODL site and in navigation. Happy to make any quick edits/if needed. Otherwise, we'll start promoting on the LFN email and social channels: https://www.opendaylight.org/current-release-phosphorus
- Charles Eckel's Unimgr blog is now live on the LFN blog: https://www.lfnetworking.org/blog/2021/10/26/mef-network-service-automation-using-opendaylight-unimgr/. We'll start promoting on the LFN email and social channels.
- Verizon ODL Blog and 1-pager approved. We'll queue it up for publishing and promotion soon
General Topic
Developer & Testing Forum
- January 10-13th, 2022
- Topic Proposals
- Topics Due by
- Registration (Required by free)
Slack Channel https://join.slack.com/t/lfntech/shared_invite/zt-xzd50vsy-ap53baNIVSxDyunb9zB6jA - Program Committee
- Need a volunteer to help schedule topic proposals and coordinate any cross-community discussions.
- Guillaume Lambert volunteered.
- Need a volunteer to help schedule topic proposals and coordinate any cross-community discussions.