- Start the Recording
- Show the Antitrust Policy
- Agenda Bashing, Roll Call, Action Items (all, 9:00-9:05 am)
- General Topics (9:05-9:20 am)
- New TSC Members Welcome (Abhijit K : 2 minutes)
- TSC Chair/TAC/SPC Elections (Casey Cain : 5 minutes)
- TSC & TWS Meeting Timings (Abhijit K : 5 minutes)
- Releases (9:20-9:55 Daniel De La Rosa and others)
- Release Dashboard
- Magnesium
- Any other topic (9:55-10:00)
- JSON-RPC to be added to the auto release as they are now managed
- SFC & CoE to be removed from the auto release as they are no longer self managed in Magnesium
- On track track .. more details at https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/integration/job/integration-distribution-test-magnesium/70/
Neon SR 3
- Slated for Dec 4
- On track
- Getting ready for Magnesium
- Robert Varga would like to start merging these.
Action Items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
- Casey Cainwill start a doodle poll for the TSC meeting timings
- Casey Cain to create a page of the existing mailing lists on the wiki so the community can help map them to a top-level interest. https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/bAGDAQ