- Bala reports an issue with topology update: when we create a service, frequency map would no longer be updated, what would make a second service creation failing. Bala will confirm/deny this issue
- Gilles didn't have time to update new service models 13.1 on transportpce/models project. He will do it next week
- Tianliang raises the question to create with TPCE a service over an hybrid optical infrastructure composed of 2.2.1 and 7.1 ROADMs with TPCE. Should work, but xml config files in 7.1 to load in honeynode simulators are may be not correct. It is possible that some specific 7.1 specific configuration is missing because they had been just migrated from model configurations are missing; the existing configurations had been simply fast-forward migrated from the 2.2.1 configurations.
- Tianliang raises the question of the TPCE compatibility with the service creation on a 7.1 switchponder at 400Gbps. At first sight, some new developments should be required in the renderer module. Updating the OpenROADM white papers with the latest model releases would be very helpful..