available at TransportPCE meetings
No Meeting. Public holiday.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce:
- Guillaume added a perl linter
Changes transportpce under review:
- Gilles pushed few changes on stable/argon branch to prepare Ar-SR4 (last release for Argon release train), but unfortunately jenkins jobs have been removed in releng/builder...
- new change on master to update the transportpce-models version (the gate was no longer working)
- several refactoring changes from Guillaume on TAPI code: few of them are ready to be merged
Meeting cancelled
LFN DTF summit will be hold on the 2nd and 3rd of May in San Jose. Deadline for registration is on the 12Th of May.
We are using Teams for tpce meetings, and the LFN recommends to use their Zoom tool. However neither Orange nor AT&T company authorize to use zoom tool...
Gilles published last week TPCE artifacts for Ca. For what concerns tpce, everything has been done. The distribution shall be released next week after the TSC as approved it.
A change in Netconf is currently under review to solve our OpenAPI issue.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models and transportpce:
Ca GA is still under progress and should be available very soon now. TPCE is more or less the only project that needs to be released now.
- Transportpce has been demonstrated last week during the OFC event. Bala provided some feedbacks. A lot of people followed the event this year and there was a lot of visitors on OpenROADM booth
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models and transportpce:
LFN migrated its servers from US to Europe: as a result, JIRA, Gerrit and CI/CD experienced some issues that have been rather solved.
Ca should have been released on the 14Th but it is still under preparation.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models and transportpce:
Ca release is on track. It is targeted the 21st of March. The TPCE master branch migration to Ca is in good shape.
- Registration and topic submission period is still open for the next DTF (Developer and Testing Forum) which will happen in San Jose the 2nd and 3rd of May.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models:
Topic submission period is still open for the next DTF (Developer and Testing Forum) which will happen in San Jose in April.
- Ca preparation is ongoing with the target of 21st of March
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models:
Topic submission period is open for the next DTF (Developer and Testing Forum) which will happen in San Jose in April.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting on transportpce-models:
- The annual LFN 2024 mentorship program has been launched. Selection progress is already started. The deadline for submission is the 17th of March. This program allows mentoring students that are willing to contribute to a project.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting
- Next DTF Development and testing Forum will be hold in San Jose, collocated with ONE summit the 2nd and 3rd of May
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting
ODL distribution for K-SR2 is released. Release notes have been updated.
Gilles started the migration of master branch to Ca (targeted mid-March) which seems to have important side-effects on TransportPCE current implementation. Hope it will not be too much difficult to adapt...
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting
Potassium SR2 has just been approved by the TSC and the ODL distribution shall be released soon. For TransportPCE, the last changes that were pending (release note update in docs project) have been merged by Guillaume.
Gilles will probably start the migration of Master branches to Ca next week.
Robert informed the community about a migration to Java 21st planned in Ca SR1, and imposed in Scandium.
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting
- Gilles released TransportPCE artifacts for K-SR2 + prepare its integration inside ODL distribtuion + prepare the release note on docs project
Code Review
Changes merged since last meeting
- Olivier is working on correcting and completing the OpenConfig device configuration for the lightynode simulator, making it closer to what we observe with equipment in the labs.
Code Review
No change merged since last meeting
Sprint 34 was initiated. All non-closed issues of previous sprint have been included. An additional issue #774 was introduced : Create an OpenConfig configuration file. Some JIRA ticket describing OpenConfig models to be introduced in tpce models need also to be created.
Christophe made a small project to illustrate the bug we have in lightynode for openroadm-device 7.1 models (handling when statement). He reported the issue on the odl-kernel list. The Issue is identified in the yangtools project, but it seems difficult to solve it, and no solution will be provided in a short time. 2 workarounds have been proposed.
Bala is trying to fix the way we are building A and Z end containers in service-create and temp-service-create so that he can retrieve the operational mode supported by external pluggables to address IPoWDM case.
He also started to implement the power control RPC to address IPoWDM use case.
Bug: When we specify the port to use in the service-create (for SRGs ending an optical tunnel), tpce is currently picking the port based on first port available, not considering the port specified in the service-create. Gilles started to work on this bug but did not have the time to work on any use case. He asked Bala to create a JIRA ticket to better understand the associated use case.
Code Review
changes merged since last meeting: