Meetings connection details
available at TransportPCE meetings
General information
Gilles released last week transportpce-models artifacts for Cl-SR2, and is planning to release transportpce Cl-SR2 artifacts tomorrow
- Casey sent a mail regarding mentorship (accompanying students or other people to work in a LFN opensource project)
Status on transportpce-models changes merged since last meeting:
- “Bump upstream dependencies to Cl SR2”, to release artifacts
Status on transportpce changes merged since last meeting:
- “Refactor few LOG messages management” which extracts some modification that can be applied out of the autonomous path computation
- “Bump upstream dependencies to Cl SR2" to use the latest dependencies (especially transportpce-model release version and the latest lighty version)
- Relation chain concerning Junit tests refactoring
- backports on stable/chlorine branch
- transportpce-models changes under review:
- “Add new T-API-2.4.0 models”: Gilles added new tapi models after correcting some trailing spaces. Anyway, Pyang still generates a lot of Warning associated with imports. This could be an issue with Pyang. The models however compile correctly on the gate
- “Bump upstream dependencies to Argon" has been updated to align with latest dependencies and can be merged
- transportpce changes under review:
- “Slight refactor of CommonPortMappingVersion221” provides some optimization removing some intermediate variables
- “Hack to update degree port on portMapping”: Guillaume steps back on one of the optimization of previous change
- “Autonomous impairment aware path computation” needs to be rebased again, and wait for a last review before being merged
Sprint 31 started at the end of the session
View filename OM-Catalog-use.pptx height 150
name | OM-Catalog-use.pptx |
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General information
- netconf-5.0.0 being just released, we can start now our migration to Argon
Status on transportpce changes merged since last meeting:
- “Use Maven 3.8.7 in CI CentOS install script”, was pushed to repair our CI
- transportpce changes under review:
- “Autonomous Impairment aware path computation” : Olivier has addressed most of Guillaume's comments. Remains some questions regarding the log level to see with Guillaume.
- Jonas proposed a change to make the OLM process stopped when one node is no longer connected to the controller. The change makes the JUnit tests associated with OLM failing. In this context, Gilles proposed a relation chain to address this and to improve Junit test relevance and efficiency.
- “Check input node parameters of get PM RPC”: It notably solves a NPE when we invoke a node which is not connected
- “Rewrite Junit tests of PowerMgmt implementation” : Gilles rewrote the Junit tests trying to avoid multiple write operations in Data Store to improve the test efficiency, and using Mockito
- “Rewrite Junit tests of OlmPowerServiceImpl” : Gilles also rewrote the Junit tests for the same reason, and in the same way
"Remove getNode method from OlmUtils": uses get node method of PortMapping rather than creating a redundant one in OLM Utils.
- “Support create/delete interfaces for regen”: Bala addressed some comments from Guillaume but he still has some work to do on it.
- “Bump Upstream dependencies to Cl SR2 “ can be merged.
- “Complement sims configuration files” can also be merged
General information
- ODL Cl-SR1 distribution was released released en 2022 with transportpce-models and transportpce projects integrated as managed projects.
- Next step are Cl SR2 which is planned for the 23rd of January and Argon due for the 16th of March.
Status on transportpce-models changes merged since last meeting: all changes are associated with the integration in Cl-SR1, and bump of upstream dependencies to Cl-SR2
Status on transportpce changes merged since last meeting:
- same kind of changes related to the integration of the project inside the distribution
- backports of changes from stable/chorine branch towards master
- backports of few changes from master to stable/chlorine, forgotten for Cl-SR1 that will be present in Cl-SR2
- Change from Jonas on LLDP control
- transportpce changes under review:
- "Bump upstream dependencies to Cl SR2”: one shall note that tpce points to transportpce/models upstream dependency, with for the moment snapshot version. We could already release transportpce-models right now to use released version...
- Jira ticket 713 “path restoration fails on multi-hop path”:
- Gilles identified several issues in HoneyNode. 1st, current-pm-description was missing from some configuration files. “Complement sims configuration files” solves this issue. Also Gilles noticed that notifications were not sent by some HoneyNode sims when the input power was set back to a standard value. This was because Honeynode code was checking the 24h PM value in place of 15 min one. A new change associated with HoneyNode code corrects this and is currently being verified.
- “Hack to update degree port on PortMapping” change is also needed to check the correct behavior of restoration on real equipment
- “Autonomous impairment aware path computation”: Olivier provided a new patchset to address Guillaume’s comment.
- “Fail power setup if node is not connected”: Jonas proposes a change to update OLM behavior when node does not connect successfully, but he did not adapt the Junit tests, so the change does not pass the gate.
- His other change “Fix persistence when Karaf is restarted” needs to be more deeply evaluated, since some of the ODL native features may offer the same service => We should right a Jira ticket to capture this valid requirement.
- Bala is still working on “Update port-mapping data for REGEN xpdr-type” & “Support create/delete interfaces for regen” changes. Since there is an agreement (out of the scope of the OR MSA) with suppliers so that we get Regen feature in 7.1 release, we have no real other alternative to handle the issue associated with if-capabilities of regens, which is not natively present in OR device model 7.1 than the way Bala proposes to handle it.
Sprint 30 shall be finished. We proposed during the meeting to organize the demo next week after the regular tpce meeting. The sprint demo can be recorded. Please contact Gilles if you can not attend and expect it to be recorded or if you prefer that we reschedule it.