Staff: Casey Cain
Community: Ivan Hraško @John Tibor Král @John Mangan Peter Puškár @Jan Medved Luca Lodigiani Luis Gomez Palacios @Rohini Unni
- Peter Puškár here representing Frinx. Concerns about netconf patches not getting merged.
- Casey Cain and Ivan Hraško will contact Tomas to get the patches merged
- Luca Lodigiani and @John Mangan representing Inmarsat and @Rohini Unni representing Infosys
- Currently testing ODL. Would like to share data about clustering.
- Current Jira tickets open by Infosys and Inmarsat team:
- Team will come to the meeting for an initial presentation.
- Waiting for demo from Filip Čúzy (Deactivated) to decide on opendaylight.org - static website