- Silicon SR3 is still work in progress Former user (Deleted) and Robert Vargaare working fixing some openflow issues and we are rrequesting Richard Kosegito help with some jsonrpc issues
- Phosphorus SR1 checklist code freeze will still be announced
ODL maintenance window (12:00p Wed, Nov 3 to 8:30p Wed, Nov 3 UTC)
- Phosphorus page is now live on the ODL site and in navigation. Happy to make any quick edits/if needed. Otherwise, we'll start promoting on the LFN email and social channels: https://www.opendaylight.org/current-release-phosphorus
- Charles Eckel's Unimgr blog is now live on the LFN blog: https://www.lfnetworking.org/blog/2021/10/26/mef-network-service-automation-using-opendaylight-unimgr/. We'll start promoting on the LFN email and social channels.
- Verizon ODL Blog and 1-pager approved. We'll queue it up for publishing and promotion soon
General Topic
Developer & Testing Forum
- January 10-13th, 2022
- Topic Proposals
- Topics Due by
- Registration (Required by free)
Slack Channel https://join.slack.com/t/lfntech/shared_invite/zt-xzd50vsy-ap53baNIVSxDyunb9zB6jA - Program Committee
- Need a volunteer to help schedule topic proposals and coordinate any cross-community discussions.
- Guillaume Lambert volunteered.
- Need a volunteer to help schedule topic proposals and coordinate any cross-community discussions.