Table of Contents
OVSDB:Installation Guide
Information about Installing OVSDB for the Hydrogen release is available at: here.
OVSDB has a wide range of use cases in which it can be deployed or developed. The use cases have different installations and environments. We will briefly cover basic installations, and place more specific implementation details in the tutorials section.
- Also, visit the OVSDB YouTube channel for tutorials, and the weekly Hangouts which are open to anyone:
OpenDaylight OVSDB Youtube Channel
To set up the latest OVSDB for a test/dev environment is as simple as downloading the OpenDaylight Karaf distribution from the following location:
The OpenDaylight Controller requires Java 7. First, verify that you have the necessary Java libraries to run the JVM.
For example, on a Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS host, you can run the following to satisfy any Java dependencies:
$ sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
- If you are on a Mac, download and install the Java JDK available at: Java SE Downloads.
Downloading the Controller Distribution
$ wget $ unzip distribution-karaf-*.zip
Starting the Controller
To load the controller with the OpenFlow v1.3 plugin, use the following commands:
$ cd distribution-karaf-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT/ $ bin/karaf $ feature:install odl-base-jackson odl-adsal-compatibility odl-ovsdb-openstack odl-ovsdb-northbound
OVSDB Developer Installation for Hacking and Development
For developing in OpenDaylight you will also need Apache Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool. You also require the Java Framework. Using Git, you can clone the OVSDB repository, hack code, build the jars, and copy them into the distribution to execute the edited code.
Pre-requisites for Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL
- Install both Maven3 and the Java JDK:
$ sudo yum install maven3 java-1.7.0-openjdk
2. Next, export the following ENV variables for Java and Maven. Add this to your ~/.bashrc directory:
$ vi ~/.bashrc $ export M2_REPO=/Users/<username>/.m2/repository $ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home/ #If plenty of memory is available on the target system, you can go as high as: $ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m" # Or as low as $ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
3. Verify the ENV with the following:
$ export declare -x MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" declare -x JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home/" declare -x M2_REPO="/Users/username/.m2/repository" declare -x MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m"
Pre-requisites for Mac OS X
- Download and install the Java JDK available at: Java SE Downloads.
- There are various ways to install Maven on a Mac. Two easy options are to install via Mac Ports or Homebrew.
- Once installed, run the following from the terminal:
$ sudo port install maven3 $ mvn --version Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da Maven home: /opt/local/share/java/maven3 Java version: 1.7.0_51, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.9.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
4. Next, setup your ENV variables:
vi ~/.bash_profile
5. Add the following:
export M2_REPO=/Users/brent/.m2/repository export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m"
Downloading and Building OVSDB Source Code
1. There are various ways to pull the controller code and artifacts using Maven. The easiest way to avoid any float between the upstream Nexus and your local .m2 cache is to download the controller zip. The zipped distribution is updated every 30 minutes by an upstream job. So, periodically download a fresh copy as code is committed upstream in order to stay consistent.
For information about using Maven for dependency management, see: link.
$ wget $ unzip $ cd opendaylight/
2. Next clone and build the OVSDB project from Gerrit:
$ sudo yum install git $ git clone $ cd ovsdb $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
You can then import the OVSDB project into your IDE. See the following tutorials for IDE specific imports: Importing and Developing OpenDaylight Using Intellij
Importing Project Into Eclipse
OpenDaylight OVSDB Developer Getting Started Youtube Video
Building and Running Edited OVSDB Project Code
After you change a piece of code, for example, in the ovsdb/neutron bundle, you must build and copy that jar to the controller distribution directory where you run the controller.
$ cd neutron $ mvn clean install -DskipTests # copy the newly built jar to the controller to load $ cp target/ovsdb.neutron*.jar /Users/roomba/opendaylight/plugins/
- Note: It is not necessary to stop a running controller to refresh a bundle. OSGI will automatically reload the jar/bundle for you.
For committing code back upstream, you will need to set up your ssh keys, and register them with Gerrit. See the following tutorial: OpenDaylight Getting Started with Gerrit
Generate SSH Keys for Git
A brief example of generating the SSH key is the following:
roomba$ cd ~/.ssh roomba$ ls known_hosts $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/roomba/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /Users/roomba/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /Users/roomba/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: <Super Top Secret Roomba's eyes only> The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | E+=*+.. . | | ++oo. . . | | ..+. o . . | | . + .o. . . | | + o S. . | | o .. | | | | | | | +-----------------+ $ ssh-add id_rsa Identity added: id_rsa (id_rsa) $ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ # !! Copy this key to your account on Gerrit $ ssh -p 29418 # Clone the OVSDB repo via ssh now git clone ssh://
Installing Open vSwitch
The following will install Open vSwitch v2.x+ and the associated kernel modules.
$ sudo yum install openvswitch $ sudo /sbin/service openvswitch start
Verify the kernel modules that were loaded with the following:
$ lsmod | grep openv openvswitch 66772 0 vxlan 37238 1 openvswitch gre 13888 1 openvswitch libcrc32c 12603 1 openvswitch
More Tutorials for Installing Open vSwitch
Additional Tools, Postman, Mininet and Wireshark
The Postman, Mininet and Wireshark are some handy tools that are used in various tutorials and Dev environments:
Install Postman REST Tool
Postman is a Chrome App used for performing and sharing nerdy REST API calls with your friends!
- Download Postman
- After installing Postman, you can import the shared collection found here
Install Wireshark
Install Wireshark for a Fedora host not running a desktop manager and using X over SSH
- Install RPMs
$ sudo yum install wireshark xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-fonts-* xorg-x11-utils wireshark-gnome wireshark
2. Disable selinux (for Dev only).
$ sudo sed -i 's/#X11Forwarding\ no/X11Forwarding\ yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config $ sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
3. You also may need to disable selinux. Edit /etc/selinux/config for a persistent disable across reboots.
$ sudo sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
4. Disable with setenforce for a temporary disable until the next reboot.
$ getenforce Enforcing $ sudo setenforce 0 $ getenforce Permissive
5. Run Wireshark over X
$ ssh -X roomba@x.x.x.x
For example:
$ ssh -X roomba@ $ sudo wireshark
6.Start the packet capture. 7. Add a filter of tcp.port == 6653 && tcp.port == 6633 8. Right-click on a packet and "decode as" Open Flow.
Installing Mininet
- As root, execute the following operations:
a. Install git
$ sudo yum install git
b. Create a user account (for example, mininet) and add it to the wheel group:
$ sudo useradd -d mininet $ sudo usermod -a -G wheel mininet
c. Change the SElinux setting to permissive. It can be done temporarily with:
$ sudo setenforce 0
2. Next, login with the new account (e.g. mininet) and do the following: a. Clone the Mininet repository. git clone git://
3.Install Mininet, the OpenFlow reference implementation, and Open vSwitch:
$ sudo mininet/util/ -fnv
4.Enable and start openvswitch:
$ sudo systemctl enable openvswitch $ sudo systemctl start openvswitch
5. Test the mininet installation. sudo mn --test pingall
More information on Mininet is available at: