- Casey Cain says we should have concise info to ask companies for help.
- Charles Eckel feels that it maybe useful to have a Zoom session or two to explain.
- Robert Varga and JamO Luhrsen feel ideally communication should be over emails or IRC/Slack as opposed to office hours, etc. however the issue is the number of resources are too thin.
- Robert Varga believes we need a better pipeline for communicating with users.
- CE: We could host more hackathons to attract developers to specific topics.
- CC: Maybe we can do monthly hackathons on a specific topic and use MAC/TAC to help drive engagement
- A persistent query is to have a helping office hour for the newbies.
- IRC communication has its own set of problems - not available in all companies. LFN looking to move to some other tool like Slack.
- Hema Gopalakrishnan thinks that tutorials from the experts will be helpful.
- Daya thinks the above have been discussed but have not led to results. More useful would be how to make ODL more usable.
- We need more outreach to users that are already working on OpenDaylight, but not working in the upstream
- Need more clear messaging to the users that if you are consuming ODL, to please contribute upstream X hours per day or week to help resolve the technical debt.
- Allan Clarke suggests the following:
- A dedicated helper public face for helping for new folksProjects maintain a backlog of items to work on (with time estimates & priorities)devs get oriented
- A central location for "low hanging fruit" tasks organized by project, including estimated time and estimated required knowledge.
- Jeff Hartley says an important work item which can be new person friendly is removing stale documentation.