available at TransportPCE meetings
General information
The presentation made in the TWS meeting was appreciated and a question/answer session will be organized next Monday.
Next LFN events : No news from next Developper forum, the ONS America has been postponed to September but it is not canceled
Mg SR1 : we can’t stage the project right now, because managed project are not ready. It shall be possible next Monday. Hopefully, we shall have one week then to stage transportPCE
A new version of checkstyle does not allow separation in the import. Stable Magnesium and Master are now pointing to Mg SR1.
Coding activity
Many changes have been cherry-picked so that we are ready for staging.
The changes on the OTN-Renderer /PCE alignment and topology update have been merged as well as a number of Junit test added by OLE for the PCE.
Fixing PCE spotbug issues : removed some uncalled method from the PCE and add some decorators to solve 2 false-positives.
Guillaume managed to fix the build error on lighty.io and updated the dependencies version to 12.1.0. It is now building and was merged. This change has been backported to the stable Mg branch.
Update device model to 7.0 : functional tests concerning the OLM are failing. The reason could be that some classes associated with the OLM are importing some yang files from common models without stating the version. By default the latest version of the common models are called. As there were a lot of changes in the common models it might be that code is not compatible with some of the elements changed in latest version of common yang models. Some R7.0 equipment may come in the lab in a short time.
SAPI/DAPI : Bala made a change based on both Hashing function proposed by Guillaume and on the contribution from Shweta. It is successfully building but currently failing (PortMapping functional tests), but Bala need additional time to identify where the failure comes from. PortMapping has been modified to include the Hashmap corresponding to the code for SAPI and DAPI.
Guillaume isolated the change related to the portmapping and put it into a separate change (ease the debugging, making easier to identify the impact on the changes of models).
Upgrade to Service Model 6.1 : propose to put it on hold and wait until the issue 678 of OpenROADM is solved (bug related on the introduction of mandatory leaves making the subrate-eth-sla container mandatory whereas it is associated to a when statement, which leads to incorrect behavior in ODL). Then rather than integrating R6.1.1 which shall solve the issue, we could directly jump to R7.1 which will also solve this but add nice features to handle MDONS use case (such as the possibility to handle several notifications urls to different ONAP subcomponents.
General information
The mailing-lists have been migrated, this includes transportPCE dev list.
The presentation about transport PCE for the Tech work stream (public session) will be on the 27th.
It has been asked by the TSC, and shall be technical. A good starting point could be to reuse the presentation made top OpenROADM user Group.
The gate was broken two days ago, this means the project shall be rebuilt if no Maven cache repo is used.
Coding activity
OLE has added some Junit Tests for the PCE, increasing the overall coverage.
They also provide the Orange Gitlab LFN-dedicated space with the documentation for the GUI.
Gilles has pushed the “bump project version to magnesium SR1” on the stable magnesium branch.
Mg SR1 is planned for the 4th of May (Managed project). We will have then one week to perform the staging.
The change on SAPI/DAPI shall be adapted (creation of SAPI/DAPI based on a HashMap of 16 Bytes, with preferably the ability to retrieve the original string from the hashmap).
The Change has been rebased (new dependencies) and put as work in progress.
OpenROADM service model 6.1 has been also rebased on new dependencies. The problem is that it modifies the service handler and does not allow to pass the end to end tests.
AT&T will analyze the log and reason for the failure of the functional tests.
Narayan has started working on the support of 2.2.1 Devices in the inventory. He has an issue with the database management.
“Upgrade OpenROADM service model to 6.1” : Susmitha has removed old 5.1 service Model.
She suggests to keep old models in common, because a lot of modules are still using them.
General information
A release note and a marketing announcement have been prepared. All self-managed projects (including transportPCE) will be in the official distribution.
GUI source code has been published on Orange public Gitlab, the docs have not been published but exist in Microsoft Word docx format, they must be converted in MarkDown.
Several change have been made to reduce the technical debt and fix different spotbug issues (Separate changes for PCE, Common & Network and Renderer modules).
This changes also allows solving some of the SONAR issues.
General information
There will be a vote today for Magnesium Release, but they are still experiencing issues with some of the projects.
Guillaume did not manage to stage the release because some dependencies are still missing.
“Update configuration files and tests” change is focusing on correcting the clfi and addresses of the nodes, and managing OMS attributes and other deprecated attributes that were moved to the common model.
General information
Magnesium release is postponed. A bug in karaf prevent some of the modules to start correctly.
Trying to stage the release, it seems that some NETCONF dependencies are not available so that we can’t stage it.
Bala has been working on checkstyle issues for SAPI/DAPI code and will push it this afternoon.
We are working with Fossology to check the licenses associated with the GUI code. After we have checked licenses are compatible, the GUI code will be pushed on Gitlab.
General information
Magnesium will probably be postponed but we are ready to integrate the release.
We have received some guidelines about the migration of the Wiki (Casey Cain).
The documentations have been reviewed to include OTN support, GNPY, and T-API support (for the export of the topology).
Some example have been provided to explain how to configure OTN devices using intermediate (East/west) APIs, waiting for a full end to end support (planned in later releases of Magnesium).
General information
We manage to release tpce for Na SR2.
Magnesium code freeze should have been on Monday the 10th of February. Bus as BGPCEP project is not ready, Mg shall be stable only on next Monday.
Guillaume has bumped the dependency and also migrated tox to use controller with JDK 11 and sims with JDK 8(not merged at that time).
Currently the project is building with JDK 8 and 11 with Sodium. JDK 11 is mandatory for Mg.
AT&T has started working on service and network models 6.1 integration. There are some issues , probably coming from common models.
Bala has also started working on including SAPI and DAPI field on interface Builders (OTU4 creation) in the renderer but functional test fails (at the Topology level)
AT&T identified an issue with ODL parsing device responses to Netconf config edit. They need to investigate a bit further to understand whether the issue comes from ODL (NETCONF) or from the equipment.
General information
The next DDF won’t be collocated with the ONS. It will be associated with the ONAP event in Seoul.