- Agreed that going forward the TWS meetings will be at Mondays 9 am Pacific.
- For the near term, we will be discussing the micro distribution in the TWS calls.
- Next TWS call will be on Jan 6.
Neon SR 3
- Neon SR 3 build was approved as per the email vote.
- Guillaume Lambert proposes the deadline for self managed projects for Neon SR 3 to be moved to due to holidays.
- Rest of the TSC agrees that this is fair and the proposal is approved.
- TSC agrees that we should have a note in the next 1-2 days that the managed release distribution is available from the Nexus. There will be additional note that the self managed distribution will come on
Action Items
- Abhijit K to review Mailing list mapping proposal and try to create a template mapping that everyone/projects will need to contribute to.