“Update configuration files and tests” change is focusing on correcting the clfi and addresses of the nodes, and managing OMS attributes and other deprecated attributes that were moved to the common model.
General information
Magnesium release is postponed. A bug in karaf prevent some of the modules to start correctly.
Trying to stage the release, it seems that some NETCONF dependencies are not available so that we can’t stage it.
Code review
Ongoing changes on the master branch:
A change has been provided by Anil related to the documentations (migration to Python 3).
Some Changes can be pushed on Master branch. If a change is OK we can then cherry pick it and propose it for Magnesium.
Gilles is working on some adds to the topology management and the renderer to handle OTN link creation in the topology. This code has not been pushed on the repository.
Bala has been working on checkstyle issues for SAPI/DAPI code and will push it this afternoon.
We are working with Fossology to check the licenses associated with the GUI code. After we have checked licenses are compatible, the GUI code will be pushed on Gitlab.