OpenROADM YANG models
OpenROADM Device and Network Models have been presented by AT&T: Open_ROADM_Models_v0_2.pdf
Full models can be retrieved following OpenROADM website (download section).
Initial Discussion around RFC 7446
Orange (XP) review- Aditional review by other contributors is welcome.
This way it's possible in a very comprehensive and detailed way to model the internal structure of a generic NE with its real limitations, taking into account their current usage.
I understand that the other model is more focused on WDM NEs, and possibly less general. Deciding whether to use one of the other would require to do a more detailed use case analysis, taking into account real NE scenarios, not only in WDM domain but also in OTN (at least) as this is an additional target of the project.
From OpenROADM network model to an I2RS compatible topology description
The I2RS draft version (4) can be retrieved at https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo-04