Meeting Reports
Meeting of the 01/30/2020
General information :
TransportPCE will propose for Sodium SR2 some updates on OpenROADM Service model 5.1, as well as bug fix on PCE to make it more deterministic, and a SONAR vulnerability fix. We still have issues to merge all the changes by ourselves since the branch has been locked (it shouldn’t be for self-managed projects). Although, we managed to stage the release thanks to supercommitter's help. We now wait for managed project to publish their artifacts on Nexus. Jenkins-releng Tox job were also updated to python 3.6 last week, what broke the docs jobs. Fix pending.
“Upgrade portmapping yang models” is an update of the yang models to handle otn-switching pools. Associated lcp has been changed to connection-map lcp. Network model has also been updated. Last part of portmapping and topology consolidation is Portmapping-topologies code consolidation. AT&T will push an update of the renderer code next week. Service path 1.7 model has been pushed on Gerrit. It includes modification to better handle otn-use cases. The new yang models also include the otn-service-path introduced by AT&T and used between the service Handler and the Renderer. We agreed that the best way to push new Renderer code was probably to rebase it on this change to include new yang models. Narayan is working on the update of the inventory (handling R2.2.1). He could probably push it on master branch by mid-February. Guillaume has started preparing the work for the introduction of TransportPCE in Magnesium.
Meeting of the 01/16/2020
Code review:
Cleanup and optimize pom : The POM have been rationalized (to remove unneeded dependencies) and the patch has been merged last Friday. OLM Junit test have some issues really depending on the environment which makes it difficult to reproduce. This was coming from a version mistmatch between Mockito and PowerMocK. Normally versions shall be defined through odl.parent, but in some cases this version may be forced……..
AT&T proposed a naming convention for the SAPI/DAPI. Need to verify with the different manufacturers if they all support 64 bytes format, or if some of them support only the 16 Bytes format. Proposed convention can be supported with the most restricting format (16 bytes).
Meeting of the 01/09/2020
General information :
TransportPCE will be in Neon SR3 Release. The common distribution will be distributed soon. Next Deadline is Sodium SR2 (6th of February is the final deadline for self-managed projects)
Christophe and Gilles made a cleanup of the POM to avoid redundancy and refactored the dependencies in the different POM files at the different levels. They also simplified the features associated with the project. A vulnerability has been identified by SONAR. Guillaume started to work on it. It is associated with the code for GNPY interconnections. AT&T has started debugging PCE code.
Meeting of the 12/19/2019
General information :
Ongoing talks on Neon SR3 status. A vote has been opened and it seems that Neon will be released today. It seems very difficult to test everything in this period, especially since many things are broken. Nexus was unavailable this morning, our gate is broken : we are unable to launch the functional tests because they changed the jenkins releng profiles.
Christophe and Gilles managed to rebase the Renderer code from AT&T, as well as the PCE code. Next step will be to debug the code and upgrade all the APIs so that all the modules interoperate. We will also need to move to Java 11, which shall be quite straight forward except for Honey Node.
Meeting of the 12/12/2019
General information :
We do not have any news about Neon SR3 release, for the migration of SonarQube to provider. JOCN paper has been reviewed and comments provided
Fix deprecated openroadm interfaces : it seems we could merge that code before merging remaining OTN code.
Meeting of the 12/05/2019
General information :
UTD has proposed a first version of the paper for OFC. Bala made some comments to be addressed (mainly formatting and typos).
Renderer will be pushed by AT&T tomorrow or Monday at the latest.
Meeting of the 11/21/2019
General information :
TransportPCE is in Sodium SR1, self-service release documentation is obsolete and was reviewed by Guillaume. The community is preparing Neon SR3. The proposal is to push minimum bug fixing keeping old version of the DataBroker in Neon SR3 and keep the new DataBroker in Sodium.
Nokia asked more details on how they can contribute to TransportPCE. A first contribution from Nokia was proposed in August but it is not mergeable in the current state. The first step is to clarify the license used by YANG models and to realign their contribution with the code current state (rebase with the master branch). Openconfig models do not embed the license -> the license has to be declared in a separate file. Thus they can not be shipped in the same folder than the ietf models consumed since they use a different license. In a second step, the renderer function can be completed since today only the skeleton is present.
Meeting of the 11/14/2019
General information :
We have integrated Na SR1. This release focuses on bug fixes and code refactoring and also includes
OLE made a demonstration of the GUI they have developed for transportPCE. It has been developed using D3 and Angular.
Meeting of the 11/08/2019
General information :
Sodium SR1 has been officially released for managed project. We are invited to release as self-managed project. This release of transportPCE will focus on support, bug fixing and code refactoring LFN announced that they plan to move the ODL Sonarqube to project.
Gilles is working on the change regarding the openROADM deprecated warnings
Meeting of the 10/31/2019
Code review:
OpenROADM service 5.1 introduced a change in convention name that made E2E functional tests for 1.2.1 devices fail. Gilles is currently working to fix those tests.
The next version of OpenROADM will try to include the pyang command to reformat models and get rid of them. It would make sense if this can be automated in the GitHub CI/CD or pipeline. Everybody agrees it would bring more value to ORDM But the MSA general opinion is that the revision date should be changed if trailing blanks are removed in previous versions. Not sure this opinion is shared outside.
Meeting of the 10/24/2019
General information :
Highstreet technologies has been contacted and they confirmed they are working on tpce. They have proposed in a mail to provide in 2020 contributions on monitoring and alarm management to help building service assurance.
AT&T will try to push code for Renderer, topology management and PortMapping next week. This shall allow developing missing features in the Service Handler.
Meeting of the 10/17/2019
Code review:
The change 84893 that introduces the PowerMock library in Junit tests has been merged.
On Orange side, we continue working on T-API and on modifications on PCE to handle OTN. Code for OTN handling in PCE is not s still in construction so that it cannot be pushed as it is on gerrit
Meeting of the 10/10/2019
General information :
We had problem with the gate. The tox jenkins job "docs-linkcheck" used by the LFN failed because the requirement.txt file could not be found. This problem has been fixed and the test shall work fine again. Now the results of fnctional tests are in the console log and we don’t need to wait until all the test have been executed to see their status.
T-API : several changes have been made to handle abstracted topology export toward an orchestrator. The T-API models have been included. The three first changes 84916, 84917, and 84918 are derived from what was made for the Sendate Demo Use case. These needed to be upgraded according to the change that were made in Tpce in the meanwhile. The last change 84919 corresponds to the Ethernet layer TAPI topology creation. We have a high level of abstraction : one OpenROADM domain is presented as one node with all the access-points.
Meeting of the 09/26/2019
General information :
AT&T tested the OTN code on real equipment. They were able to make it working with GE service creation. But there are still some issues to be fixed (xponder subtree missing from some equipment).
OLE in "Add PowerMock library in OLM module" change added dependecies to OLM module, fixed issues related to these changes in OLM, and added the PowerMgmtPowerMockTest class to increase test coverage.
Meeting of the 09/19/2019
Code review:
OLE pushed some code for Junit tests using powerMock. This will allow implementing Junit test on static methods within final classes.
AT&T will provide draft code for topology so that we can review it from a functionnal view.
Meeting of the 09/06/2019
General information :
Kernel projects have released Neon SR2 and we managed to stage transportPCE on top of them, so transportPCE will be part of Neon SR2. Guillaume will make a demo at ONS Antwerp wiht Pantheon at the LFN booth. Details have been sent by the LFN staff. The ODL DDF will be just after ONS. Subject can be proposed on Confluence. Since others DDFs are colocated, they can be cross-community. We invited Nokia to join our meetings but did not get any answers (yet) to discuss on the way to proceed with OpenConfig push.
The network code (OTN-topology) has not been pushed, because it is based on an older version the code and it needs to be rebased.
Meeting of the 08/29/2019
General information :
The netconf/restconf bug about the deviations has been fixed for Neon SR2. The respin of the integration job has been done. Although, Neon SR2 Integration kernel project is late. When staging Neon SR2, we see that some upstream projects are not ready (Netconf 1.6.2). The Neon SR2 deadline will be postponed , probably to the 5th of September which is also orginal Sodium deadline. Ongoing talk to postpone Sodium too.
Bala made some changes on the code that is mapping wavelengths on the flexgrid (bug fixes). This will be pushed in a short time.
Meeting of the 08/22/2019
General information :
The ODL developer forum will be just after the ONS in the same place. Netconf project team managed to solve the bug associated with the deviations ( the first attempt broke our NB API ) but this fix come late for Neon SR2. We got some positive feedback from the TSC to have this corrected for Neon SR2 since the bug was associated with Netconf. So this should be fixed for Neon SR2, but this needs to be confirmed (very tight schedule). OLE remarked that the link provided on the Wiki main page (transportPCE facts), does not allow anymore to clone the project. We cannot modify it directly. Gerrit has been upgraded recently and the wiki will be migrated to Confluence soon. This should fix the problem.
The second phase of integration for the interconnection with GNPY (handling crank back when no path has been found by GNPY) is currently in the testing/debugging phase.
Meeting of the 08/08/2019
General information :
stable/sodium branch cutting ongoing - some releng issues and master branch is locked Neon SR2 deadline is today for managed projects: mdsal bumped to 3.0.10 and everything has been cherry-picked to stable/neon branch. Still some issues with deviations - no news from upstreams.
- update pushed by Juraj but not working yet
Meeting of the 08/01/2019
General information : Code Freeze for sodium managed projects is today. Neon SR2 deadline is 08/08 for managed projects. We have to think of what we want to put in this release. There is a discussion at the TSC about shipping a PCE inside ODL - transportPCE has been mentioned.
Topo Portmapping consolidation: Shweta finished the review of the related changes and reported 2 issues. One was easily fixed. The other one concerned the management of XPDR without PortQual. It has been fixed by Christophe who also remarked the absence of PortQual was also affecting the connection map treatment, even if it is not believed to happen with a correct provisioning - a JIRA improvement ticket has been created. ATT is OK to merge the code in that state.
Meeting of the 07/25/2019
General information :
Gerrit UI upgraded - it is now more possible to use Draft but changes can be marked as private on the Gerrit UI. Call for ONS demo - deadline submission for 07/31 - transportPCE will be proposed.
topo Portmapping consolidation changes has been reviewed and cleaned on the Orange side. ATT will finish to review and test it against real devices this week.
Meeting of the 07/18/2019
General information : No specific information
Next meeting (25th of July and 1st of August are maintained). The meeting of the 8th will depend on Guillaume presence in the office. The meeting of the 15th of august is canceled due to bank holidays in France.
Meeting of the 07/11/2019
General information :
Submission for ONS Europe has been postponed to the 12th of July. Call for Demo has been sent. Guillaume may propose a Demo at the LNF booth and porpose pantheon to join it (Integration with
Guillaume proposed that during his absence the different commiters take his role. For what concerns topology and portmapping consolidation, the contribution of AT&T to merge the code will be appreciated, especially if we consider that a conflict with the push address the interface naming convention.
Meeting of the 07/03/2019
General information :
Fluorine SR3 in on the rise, and tpce will be part of it. ONAP use a very different package of ODL than the one we rely on, and we shall take care of this when integrating tpce in ONAP.
Inventory : some adaptations have been made to support 2.2.1 release in place of 2.2. Still working on completing the code to support R2.2.1
Meeting of the 06/27/2019
General information :
We have been asked to release our artifact for Fluorine SR3. Before doing that, it was necessary to upgrade yangtools and ODL parent versions, what required some code adaptations. The Fluorine SR3 artifacts promotion has been requested to a new ticket system web site that replaces the helpdesk mailing-list.
Inventory : The code has been cherry-picked from testing branch (based on Fluorine) to master branch. There is still some issues to solve. Narayan will push some code to improve support of devices 2.2.1. Susmitha has been working on OTN, focusing on the Renderer part . New rpc have been defined for service creation and deletion. A first implementation of OTN service creation and deletion is ready for testing on equipment. (starting next week). The developments include the factory for interfaces associated with OTN If all information required about ports are provided in the rpc for service creation, the rendering function is performed without checking ports parameters such as trib-ports/slots and possible restrictions. If not, then the rendering function will include some checks on the ports to validate them. This way complex function requiring to make lot of test and check on port capabilities could be developed/completed progressively. This will make possible to have first implementation in a shorter time. Orange has started working on JIRA TRNSPRTPCE109 item: consolidation of Portmapping and topology building. The main goal is to make sure that information in PortMapping and Topology are 100% consistent on one side, and to limit the number of access we need to have to the device to retrieve relevant information on the other side.
Meeting of the 06/20/2019
General information :
Fluorine SR3 is ready to be released for managed project. There will not be a lot of things we need to push in this release for transportPCE.
Middle checkpoint for Sodium is on the 4th of July. The code will have to support Java11. Code freeze is planned on the 1st of August.
Meeting of the 06/13/2019
General information :
Fluorine SR3 is about to be released and we shall be asked to provide an update for thransportPCE in the coming weeks. In ONS Anvers Guillaume will submit with Pantheon a session about “Managing Optical equipment with OpenDaylight and in a microservices approach”. A demo will be proposed on the same topic (later on since the demo submission time frame is not the same).
Sprint 9 is closed on JIRA and Sprint 10 should be launched tomorrow.
Meeting of the 06/06/2019
General information :
Some issues with the Linux foundation framework will lead to a late delivery of Fluorine SR3.
There are some issues identified by Juraj with the deviations introduced in transportPCE with openROADM version 4.1 support for network , network-topology and otn-topology models ( OpenROADM started to use deviations in version 3 but transportPCE bumped directly from 2.1 to 4.1) The ODL restconf module seems to not support these deviations ( might be also be a problem with yangtools ). The problem raises errors when karaf launches the restconf module. There is no incidence on our functional tests but it prevents from launching properly. AT&T confirms that older versions of ODL were not supporting deviations, more precisely, it means that the attributes corresponding to these deviations were not seen. Guillaume will raise a ticket on JIRA ( https://jiralf-opendaylight.opendaylightatlassian.orgnet/browse/TRNSPRTPCE-126 ) and Shweta will comment it if needed.
Dhruv mentions they have started developments of OTN Renderering function, and that they are testing it on OTN OR equipment .
Meeting of the 05/23/2019
General information :
Transport PCE will be released with Neon SR1 Fluorine SR3 will come soon.
Change of Narayan on inventory was cleaned up. Another change should come. Shweta mentioned that AT&T identified some issue with the renderer running on 2.2.1 devices. They have solved the problem and will push some code in a short time (on master branch) Original change for support of version 2.2.1 has been split in 2 pieces. Still some issues with functional test (on topology and OLM)
Meeting of the 05/16/2019
General information :
Neon SR1 : SR1 distribution is ready for core project. As our upstream dependencies were not ready we couldn’t stage. Luis merged the Bump to Neon SR1 dependency (branch was locked). next release shall be easier to handle. Tpce was staged and Guillaume promoted the artifact for the integration. There will be beginning of June a cross developer forum.
Once the bump to neon SR1 dependencies will be merged, building issues shall be solved (seems this was a problem linked to Netconf dependencies). Master branch shall work again. Unit test for service Handler : the current coverage is 51 %. It had decreased due to the integration Network Model 4.1 and the last module for 2.2.1 equipment management. Ahmed is working on functional test to validate GNPY interconnection. The problem with the master branch made the integration of GNPY code difficult (still not pushed on Master branch.) Christophe and Gilles have started working on functional tests for 2.2.1. They are working on configuration with 2.2.1 devices. Shweta has pushed some code for PCE to handle include constraints.
Meeting of the 05/09/2019
General information :
Neon SR-1 : Needed to bump dependencies on Neon SR-1, but could not merge the code ourselves since the branch was locked. We are waiting for their feedback : release was postponed to the 9th of May, so that self-managed project were supposed to integrate by today.
Shweta will also push some code for including constraint in the PCE in the coming days.
Meeting of the 05/02/2019
General information :
Current sprint focuses on getting a robust base (fully tested) aligned with latest developments and bug corrections coming from the different contributors. This includes Handling 1.2.1 and 2.2.1 Devices, being aligned with ietf network topology (RFC 8345 / openROADM Network model 4.1), and having an acceptable Junit Test coverage.
Best option for the presentation of the long term roadmap of transportPCE seems to be Friday the 19th of May, if we want to have at least on representative of each involved company.
Meeting of the 04/25/2019
General information :
Neon SR1 deadline for managed project is tomorrow 04/25. TransportPCE code is ready for Neon SR1 and will include : Unit test update, 2.2.1 device management for topology and portmapping, update of the network model to 4.1 (RFC8345).
Olivier would like to program a "sprint planning" meeting to discuss the best way how to address long-term objectives commonly.
Meeting of the 04/18/2019
General information :
neon SR1 coming soon and dependencies update.
Merge of 2.2.1 device support related changes. Network model 4.1 (RFC8345) still pending: still issues with Junit tests but close to be merged. Demonstration of MySQL interconnection with the inventory by Narayan, Malick able to reproduce the connection at the end of the meeting. Still much work to do on that change but the DB provisionning can be reproducted on the testing branch.
Meeting of the 04/11/2019
General information :
TransportPCE has integrated the Neon SR0 Release.
Ahmed made a demonstration of what he is doing in term of interconnection with GNPY
Meeting of the 04/04/2019
Code review:
Dhruv made a push including OLM for 2.2.1. As this patch is based on Network version 4.1, and the current code on master is based on Network 2.1, the integration of this code is in standby until we integrate some other features.
Narayan pushed the code for inventory on Gerrit. Malick solved some issues with the pom dependency and features (alignment with Fluorine SR3). Project is building. My Sql database builds. We still have issues in detecting nodes : inventory supports only 1.2.1 nodes. HoneyNode managing 1.2.1 models relies on a few 2.1 models (port-types). This might leads to some issues. Narayan will push some code supporting 2.2.1 in a short time.
Meeting of the 03/28/2019
General information:
Guillaume will participate next week at the ONS (presentation on OpenROADM and TransportPCE) and the DDF (presentation on CI/CD) which will be held at Ericson location in San Jose.
CICD: Cédric and Guillaume continued working on continuous integration and cross-testing. A docker with transportPCE environment for cross testing is available, as well as dockers for simulated nodes running HoneyNode.
Meeting of the 03/21/2019
General information:
TSC are asked by Linux Fundation to vote for OPX project introduction.
CICD: Cédric and Guillaume have worked on continuous integration and cross-testing. A Docker (not merged) has been created for the simulators. Ongoing work to create a docker with transportPCE environment for cross testing.
Meeting of the 03/14/2019
General information:
Neon Marketing press release : Linux Fundation has asked to provide feedback on how operators use ODL in several e-mail streams. We have tried to build a connection between the people involved in this. AT&T already provided an answer, Orange needs to complement previous communications on this topic. DDF Forum : Presnetation / Talk proposed about how improving CI/CD with OPNFV tools (Cédric ollivier): See below.
other topics: Jonasz recently raised a coupled of issues. He has a project with a vendor. A conf call is organized on the 15th of March to discuss. Version management : we agreed on the fact that the code shall not strictly support all versions, but only main releases, provided that we manage main evolutions that have a deep impact on the models. We highlight the fact that having a documentation that provides incremental view of models’ updates would be helpful to make sure we don’t miss these evolutions. As a major guidelines we agreed that next evolution shall focus on Assurance, handling alarms and services’ life cycle : the controller shall be able to maintain services, monitoring their health.
Meeting of the 03/06/2019
General information:
- TransportPCE demo at OFC this week.
- Many feedbacks from Jonas M. ( on JIRA. Proposal to schedule a specific meeting at the end of next week.
- Neon deadline for managed-project is tomorrow. Branch still locked.
- Poms updated (mdsal model to 0.13.2 (non-snapshot)) and render UT + E2E tests integrated
- TransportPCE build OK but the release can't stage because of upstream dependencies not yet available on nexus.
Meeting of the 02/28/2019
General information:
Preparing outbound messaging for ODL Neon release, we provided the following of features for transportPCE :
The split of the patch related to version management, needed to solve the merge conflict leads to a number of issues (file missing such as NetconfTopologyListener and R2RLinkDiscovery). AT&T points to the 80051 change that includes all the missing files. So next step will be to reintroduce these files in Sync Common folder / Update Renderer and check that tpce runs on master branch with the version management features adding these files.
Meeting of the 02/21/2019
General information: DDF colocation just before ONS is confirmed. Many bugs and issues filled by Jonas Mårtensson in JIRA. It would make sense to have a dedicated meeting with him to talk about this.
Neon: Neon deadline is coming soon. Since functional tests issues are mostly fixed, we are in a good shape to propose something for Neon. Neon POMs have been rationalized (transitive dependencies resolve models version problems). The branch is locked even if it should not be the case for SM project because there is a limitation in Gerrit that complicates the unlock of a single project. New changes cannot been merged in stable/neon branch. The workaround found to not depend on supercommitter is to delete and recreate the branch from the master since it has not been bumped to Sodium...
Meeting of the 02/14/2019
General information: A presentation of transportPCE has been accepted at th ONS NA 2019. DDF dates and location are still not decided. The demo planned for OFC is on good shape. Fluorine SR2 was released last week.TransportPCE Fluorine SR2 branch has been staged with all test running. Guillaume asked to promote the artifact and TransportPCE shall be part of the SR2 Release.
If demos are planned with 2.2 device, AT&T suggest to put the priority on Renderer 2.2. Then Network model 4.0, and later Inventory. Any help on Neon bump which fails and the ability to provide a Docker to simulate 2.2 equipment network is appreciated. If AT&T guaranties that the Renderer upgrade (management of both 1.2.1 and 2.2) has been tested and work on 2.2 equipment or simulators, we can merge the code. But committers should not merge changes for which they can not guarantee it can work a minimum with ordm 2.2 devices .
Meeting of the 01/24/2019
General information:
DDF dates and location are still not decided. TSC & LFN staff are looking for a cross-event opportunity.
Orange presented use cases for OTN, but the answer does not fit with AT&T expectations : it shall be focused on the type of service to be created and the sequence of RPC involved in the process. Olivier to refine the presentation and make it fit with AT&T demand.
Meeting of the 01/17/2019
General information:
Next DDF is under preparation but will be just before or after ONS ( from the 3rd to 5th of April for North America). We have some issue with the infrastructure: Nexus was down at the beginning of the week. No merge this week because of too much issues simultaneously (Nexus down, karaf bug, dependency upgrades, Java 11 migration ...). Neither the Stable fluorine, nor the master builds.
Orange has started working on the code provided by AT&T for the inventory and the alarming. Would like to replace JDBC MySQL connector by the SQL lite connector so that the database could be associated with the distribution and does not require a separate installation.
Meeting of the 01/10/2019
General information: Original deadline for SR2 has been delayed from beginning of January to the 7th of February. The code freeze for Neon is planned the same day for core and managed projects. For self-managed projects, the deadline is either the 23rd of February (final checkpoint) or the 7th of March (official Neon SR0 release date) to provide a stable version of tpce . Documentation is not completely clear about that.
Functionnal test automation : LFN staff confirms maven is not installed on the default tox vm called by their jenkins/remeng macro. It may be possible to install it with a command in tox (on investigations). Otherwise, the LFN might create another specific macro for that. Committers election: Gilles and Shweta confirmed as new committers by the TSC. Inactive accounts lost their committers rights during the migration. Also, due to LFN accounts migration problems, Cédric and Martin accounts have lost their committer rights. They should contact the helpdesk if they want to get them back.
Meeting of the 12/19/2018
Coding activity:
Sandbox branch: The yang files have been cleaned. ATT pushed Renderer, and OLM is almost ready , but some unit tests are failing. They would appreciate some help from OLE to solve this issue. Some functional tests cannot work because the network model has not been pushed and PortMapping can be mounted. Dhruv will send some samples of 2.2 device yang models.
Some issues have been raised when trying to make work Openconfig models with ODL. Dhruv leaves a comment in JIRA: https://jiralf-opendaylight.opendaylightatlassian.orgnet/projects/MDSAL/issues/MDSAL-182?filter=allopenissues
Meeting of the 12/13/2018
Coding activity:
Sendate branch has been synced with the master. Gilles and Christophe pushed their code with modifications for topology and portmapping. Functional Test automation : The documentation was outof-date. The jjb macro is "gerrit-tox-verify". To make it work, the tox.ini file has to be as the project root. Changes are ready but not merged. When merged, jenkins will launched automatically 2 VMs, the first one for maven and UT and the second one for tox / functional tests. ATT pushed their new renderer module to handle 1.2.1 and 2.2 release of OpenROADM on the sandbox and would like some review on it. Question on when we can merge it, since they want to make their sync as soon as possible
SR2 Release of Fluorine : all Fluorine web be delayed one month. SR2 will be 7th of January. We are not able to stage a release until upstream Managed projects have published their dependencies. The timeslot for SM prject to make this will be around 1 week. Commiters election: We would like to review the list of commiters since there is only one active committer. Proposal to promote Shweta and Gilles and to remove people no more involved in the project.
Meeting of the 12/6/2018
Coding activity:
ATT will add updated code for 2.2 release of OpenROADM in ATT sandbox. This code has been tested on some equipment. Proposal is that ATT test the code using functional tests just to identify potential regressions or evolution of functional test that shall be needed to be in line with added functionnalities. ATT is currently working on including R2.2 in. Renderer and OLM. When finished they will start working on then PCE and Network model..
ATT is asking if Orange has some experience on including OpenConfig models in ODL. Orange did not test it at that time but shall be able to provide some feedback about this is a 1 week timeframe, being in contact with a contributor to the Sendate project who have tested it. Tpce will be in SR1 Release and we are already working on what will be introduced in SR-2 Initial deadline for SR-2 was planned 7th of December. Need to investigate if deadline for self-managed will be postponed. Neon : code freeze on the 24th of January. Still a problem with Karaf. Code builds but runtime problem. Deprecated Warning work will be moved to Master branch.
Meeting of the 11/29/2018
Coding activity:
OLM Unit testing : OLE has increased the coverage of the OLM tests. OLE asked support to address some issues and pursue the development. One of this difficulty is that the Operational datastore is read-only and prevents some aspects to be tested. This impacts the test coverage percentage.
ATT mentioned they have made a demonstration in Super Computer conference about data Center interconnection
Meeting of the 11/15/2018
Coding activity:
OLM Junit Tests ongoing with OLE : coverage around 27.5 %. Some difficulties because some the methods are not implemented. OLE to raise JIRA corresponding issues. Service path 1.6 has been merged on the master branch : models introduced in API, reintroduction in the code, and in the functional test Functional tests relying on stub will be removed and replaced by end to end functional test which will cover these tests, since using stubs leads to complexity when handling the different patch. ServiceHandlerDiversityTest is not anymore present : we need to be identify if this was removed volontarily Last commit with this file is :
We have still a lot of deprecated warning. The patch is ready for that. However we can still not merge it since it induced errors in current functional tests.
Meeting of the 11/8/2018
Coding activity: Shweta pushed OSNR Code for regular lines (amplified lines case not addressed yet). Olivier to review the code pushed from a functional point of view. The code to manage ROADM to ROADM link admin state (TRNSPRTPCE-46) shall be ready in 2 working days. OLE Junit tests : OLE has started working on the completion of the Junit test. Priority is on the OLM module. Then will come the topology management and the PCE.
ATT mentioned that they will rebase the code they have on their SandBox on one of the fluorine branches, and will push after part of this code. Stable Fluorine and Master branch are at the same level for bug Corrections. But the master branch shall be preferred since it also includes some developments of new features (such as evolution towards Service-path 1.6). Multiple push of limited size shall be favored since large code pushes are always difficult to integrate.
Meeting of the 10/18/2018
DDF feedback: The Release Process will evolve for Neon. It is not completely decided yet but as a self managed project, we won’t probably need to be ready for the next miletones. ODL community created in JIRA the different milestones of Fluorine and Neon. SR1 has been postponed. NETCONF project : We shall not hesitate to highlight bugs on JIRA. The issues we are currently experiencing are related to IETF yang models that are inherited. Not well depicted
Miscellaneous: The next 2 meetings has been canceled because of holiday period and unavailabilities. Next meeting 11/8/20118
Meeting of the 10/11/2018
Coding activity:
Limited coding activity on Orange side this week, due to training. Martial backported some code previously pushed on Master to stable Fluorine. Some review and comments made on the code push by AT&T. OLM functional tests : Martial pushed a first implementation of OLM functional tests on stable/fluorine branch (PS76714 but it will be on master since it's a new functionality) .
- Correct tp creation of Xponders in topo layer : functional tests do not pass. However this part of the code corrects TRNSPRTPCE-12, not TRNSPRTPCE-35 (Rationalize xponder connection handling in Topo). Thus we do not expect to have a complete correct behavior of Tp handling at that time : this shall be solved at a later step. The functional tests shall be corrected by Orange, since the tests assume that we may have both xponder network and client attributes in some cases (this is wrong).
Meeting of the 10/04/2018
Coding activity:
AT&T made 2 commits this week. First is Correct tp creation of Xponder in topo layer. This patches corrects TRNSPRTPCE-12 (Extra termination ports for XPDR).
Ahmed Presented last week common Orange/AT&T paper on tpce in ECOC. A presentation from Molex/Nistica made at ECOC mentioned they are developing OpenROADM compliant modules.
Meeting of the 09/27/2018
Coding activity:
ATT will push a patch on PCE for optical path feasibility analysis in the coming days. Some work has been done to have the code ready for introduction of Flexgrid concept (still on a base on 96 wavelengths at that time). AT&T proposes to push the code. Modalities will need to be clarified when Guillaume is back (where to push it, how to split it). A rebase shall be needed since ATT sandbox diverged from the code current master branch.
Longer term epics/user-stories : for the one already present in the Excel file on which AT&T wishes to position, define its own priority, or some others that AT&T wishes to introduce, the proposal is to work directly on the excel file (in order not to overload Jira and keep it dedicated to short term). Modification shall be easily identified (propose using color code in first column).
Meeting of the 09/20/2018
Coding activity:
Martial started to work on the consolidation of the service-path model, to reintroduce SP1.6 models in API models (Draft on Master branch) cleaning up models and import in the different class. (TRNSPRTPCE-44) “Remove deprecated warnings” has been put in standby since core project still did not make this migration. Waiting for clarification on the date of deprecation. (TRNSPRTPCE-42).
Dhruv mentioned that downloading transportPCE using the links provided in Fluorine and following the procedure defined in the developer guide does not work. The repository shall be imported before installing the feature. The procedure defined in the developer guide needs to be modified.
Meeting of the 09/06/2018
Status on the Fluorine release integration In a nutshell, TransportPCE has been packaged as an ODL artifact inside the Fluorine RC pre-release. Some bugs in the process has to be solved on IRC before the deadline. The documentation has now been completed. Project versions in master and stable/fluorine branches has been bumped to no interfere with the release. Honeynode compatibily problems with Fluorine (openEXI and netconf-state RPC) have been fixed. All functests passed except the 3 identified openroadm naming issues.
Meeting of the 08/23/2018
We are currently in Code Freeze state, as Fluorine is about to be released. This means no code can be merge. Code merge for bug corrections or features adds will again be possible during SR1 consolidation. TSC is pushing for tpce to become a managed project. Until now, Orange think that the we don’t have enough active committers to be sure to sustain the whole cycle of managed projects. It will be considered at a later step, especially if new contributors join tpce.
AT&T asks for a demo of Honeynode which could help to handle the integration in ONAP. Orange propose to make this when all Orange members will be back (beginning of September)
Meeting of the 08/10/2018
All changes have been backported into Fluorine and merged except the changes for honeynode related functests. The renderer Junit coverage for critical functions is almost completed Up to change 74742, all Junit tests and functests are OK. We can backport and merges some of those enhancements in nitrogen and oxygen. Some changes have not been merged in Nitrogen and Oxygen branches because of the priority for the release deadline.
A quick status have been sent to the release manager to confirm we were ready to participate the release tuesday.
Meeting of the 08/02/2018
Meeting of the 07/26/2018
The discussions during those meetings focus on the current actions and works to fix the issues encountered when backporting the code in Master/Fluorine. The old ietf-network-* revision 2015-06-08 draft yangs models have been succesfully repackaged inside the transportpce project, what allowed the code to build successfully with Fluorine dependency. Junit tests were adapted quite easily. Once that done, the difficulty was to make the functional tests work. It appears the Fluorine controller was unable to dial with netconf testtool versions prior to 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT and the honeynode simulator. Investigations showed in testtool error messages when decoding EXI messages from the controller.
Meeting of the 07/19/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
The blocking issue with Oxygen has been fixed this week. The behavior of some listener operations/status (WRITE/SUBTREE_MODIFIED) changed between Nitrogen and Oxygen , what prevented the portmapping from running. https://jiralf-opendaylight.opendaylightatlassian.orgnet/browse/TRNSPRTPCE-18 We can now run our code on Oxygen. Some minor non-blocking issues with Netconf and Karaf are still pending. (One is already referenced and opened in JIRA. https://jiralf-opendaylight.opendaylightatlassian.orgnet/projects/NETCONF/issues/NETCONF-534 ) Consequently, most of the Nitrogen code has now been backported and adapted to the master branch in Oxygen. There is a test failing in the new servicehandler version. Investigations are on the way.
Shweta suggest to contact Gilles Heron, to try finding a solution.
Meeting of the 07/12/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
The sprint backlog has been filled in Jira and presented by Olivier and Ahmed.
Meeting of the 07/05/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
TransportPCE was also presented during the NGON 2018 event in Nice. Olivier to send the corresponding presentation.
Meeting of the 06/28/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
Integration in Fluorine:
The Master branch poms have been repaired but with the new Nexus nomenclature, it is not yet clear how to separate Fluorine from Oxygen Dependencies. Ongoing work to backport nitrogen developments into the master branch shows issues with the stubPCE.
Meeting of the 06/21/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
Integration in Fluorine
A patch has been proposed to repair the master branch POM, not reviewed for the moment. There have been many modifications proposed on the various functional tests suite and some parts are not totally working yet. The latest reviews showed that their global architecture will probably need to be rethought partially to avoid files collision and unneeded dependencies. Miscellaneous OLE propose to move the schedule at 4pm. Proposal accepted.
Meeting of the 06/15/2018
Update on Coding activity during the last week:
Orange proposed to move the meeting from Friday to another day so that OLE can join the call. The best time-slot seems to be on Thursday, after the OpenROADM Slot at 4:15 PM European time, 10:15 AM NewYork time.
Dhruv will modify License on previously identified files today so that developments performed on Honey Node can be backported in Fdio project.
DDF Developer forum in Amsterdam is before the ONS. Guillaume will propose a topic about OpenROADM and transportPCE in the ONS.
AT&T evoked some issues with the code (naming of the logical connection points in the equipment, handling unidirectional interfaces in transponders). These issues have also been identified by Orange. Some modifications have already been backported. Some others (unidirectional interfaces) will be merged soon.
Meeting of the 06/08/2018
Wiki :Howto
Guillaume briefly introduced the procedure he put on the Wiki to explain how contributions to transportPCE shall be made through Git/Gerrit.
SQL Database used by the Device management :
AT&T will send soon the scripts and codes to build the SQL Database required to activate Inventory Init
SuperComputer demonstration :
Creating a new branch for the code needed for SuperComputer demonstration, and keeping ATT-Sandbox as the development branch is the best option. This will allow reducing the size of the last developments push from ATT-SandBox to the current active branch.
HoneyNode :
ATT agrees on modifying the license to Apache so that the code that was reused from older developments on Testtool, can be reused in HoneyNode and pushed as a contribution to the Fdio project. The code developped with HoneyNode was debugged and a stable version has been pushed on Gerrit, so that AT&T can :
Orange to provide the name of the file for which the license needs to be changed.
Works of the week
AT&T is currently working on enriching inventory init. AT&T is trying to have transportPCE code into ONAP contributing through an SDN-C subproject. This would allow leveraging some existing component of ONAP (Data Analytics and GUI).
Orange closed the last sprint with the following contributions : Merge of Network Topo & inventory Init, Functional tests on Topo & inventory Init almost finished and to be pushed on Gerrit soon, Honeycomb HoneyNode up & running, with functional tests that were not operational using Testtool backported to HoneyNode and running (with some fails on some tests under investigation for correction)
Meeting of the 06/01/2018
Tpce Wiki:
The evolution of the Wiki have been shortly introduced. Orange ask to AT&T to review the Topology management part, to make corrections if needed and to provide its feedback on the interest of providing this level of information (is it needed, is it the place, is the format relevant…?) Dhruv proposed to work on the PCE and complete it with (if possible) the same format. It could be also another kind of document that could be reworked by Orange to put it on the Wiki.
SQL Database used by the Device management :
Orange asked AT&T to provide some documentation about the prerequisite to make Device management (Inventory Init) up and running (Settings of the SQL database, including the description of the structure of the database that shall be maintained)
SuperComputer demonstration :
AT&T was approached by the university of Dallas, willing to make a demonstration of VM creation/moves on an infrastructure including OpenROADM; in SuperComputer conference (November).
AT&T has proposed to provide a Docker including TransportPCE and some stubs simulating OpenROADM equipment. Right now stubs are based on Testtool, meaning they are not state full.
Orange proposed to use the code developed around Fdio Honeycomb solution to replace Testtool, since actual version allows to write/read CONFIG and OPERATIONAL DataStores in the Honeynode.
HoneyNode :
This code cannot be published on Fdio Honeycomb project, because of licensing issues (still in current investigation) Code currently on Orange Gitlab, with no possibility to open it to AT&T. So best solution would be to give the right to AT&T to access this code (JAR files with no possibility to modify the code) currently on Gerrit in private DRAFT.