- Real-time ODU Yang Not Visible on ODLUXDLUXAPPS-31
- Yangui icons missing in NitrogenDLUXAPPS-30Daniel Malachovsky
- Yangman - Design - selected checkboxes and radiobuttons are grey instead of blueDLUXAPPS-28
- Yangman - Validation messages in pop-ups do not work properlyDLUXAPPS-27
- Yangman - Design - operation GET is hidden when operations POST and DELETE are selected in operation select menuDLUXAPPS-26
- Yangman - Design - selected Modules, Histoory, or Collections tab is underlined in redDLUXAPPS-25
- Yang Visualizer - Missing logoDLUXAPPS-24
- YangUI - When module branch is clicked to load node in form then no form is loadedDLUXAPPS-23
- Yangman - Module form - When entering multiple list items and switching to json and back to form, list items are erased from the formDLUXAPPS-22
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